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Anyone had a search by their name ?

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Looking through Thursday's measures (for the Wednesday), I had two search terms that were of my name. One just my name, the other my name but with WOP (without people) added. Both times I had 90 views (a full page of results), and no zooms.


I'm not Paris Hilton or Sydney Church.


Our pseudonym names aren't searchable unless they're in the captions/keywords. I think that they must have used the Advanced search function and searched specifically for me. Searching by my name in the standard search box doesn't produce 90 views.


But why ?

Bored picture researcher or something ?


Anyone else had this before ?


Certainly rubbish for one's CTR !





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So Phil Willis, someone knows you are an Alamy contributor and if not a picture researcher, at least knows their way around the Alamy system. That's surely a good thing? I'm sure you have told at least a few people about where your photos can be found. I haven't had a name search for a while, but it has happened and I'm OK with that.


Robert Estall 

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Well, maybe they were looking for:

  • Philip Aubrey Wills - pioneering British glider pilot. He broke several gliding records and was the 1952 Open Class World Champion.
  • Phil Wills – Bar Industry Expert / Recon Spy
  • Phil Wills - stock car racer




The only way to bring a full page up with 90 views (all images are mine) is by the Advanced Search option, then Search by Contributor name tab.

The other search methods bring up 56 views (such as Advanced Search, 'with all the words' tab).


Intrigued more than anything. But as Robert says in post 2, I'm ok too with that.

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If serious customers (and remember only serious customers affect Measures) are looking for me personally that means for some reason I've been noticed. If they don't zoom anything it means I must upload more pics and create a more varied portfolio. In the context of wanting to sell my work, both outcomes are positive.



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Not entirely unrelated......Has anyone had a search term in the search box on their dashboard that they didn't put there? I recently had an Alamy ID code for one of my shots in the search box and this evening I've logged on to find my e mail in the search box. I've no reason to put either of these into a search.

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