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Letters with accents stripped out from list of keywords


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I've just noticed that the customer view of the list of keywords has all of the letters with accents stripped out, leaving gibberish. Fortunately this does not occur with the captions.


As I mentioned in an earlier post, it's difficult to sell to France, and not showing clients that you have gone to the trouble of providing an accurate translation is not helpful.


Maybe there is a good reason for this?

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Café is the current (well, in my 10th edition of the Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary) preferred spelling with 'cafe' as an alternative spelling in American English. One of you might check the Oxford. The online versions are ambiguous. So in checking some of my keywording just now I came up with 'café' in the caption and 'caf' in the keywords. Now 'caf' is a slang word for cafe, but I try to stay away from slang. Here in Little Italy, 'caffe' is sometimes in the name of a place or for 'caffe latte' but that's okay because it has no accent marks. 


I was going to respond to Bryan's thoughts yesterday on using more French to try to promote more sales to French buyers. Oh my, what a can of peas to open. Personally, I try to include proper nouns to ID a specific place in any and all countries. But American English is the language of the stock business. Sorry about that. And what about other countries and other languages? 


And what about even simple names in Vietnamese, a language with a nightmare of accents. Mỹ Tho becomes M Tho? What does that means?


Even with my relatively small collection, I'm getting sick of continually revisiting my keywording. 

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My Oxford dictionary states:  Café  with no alternatives.





That how I remember it from when I lived in England in the 1980's, Allan, but I wonder how old your dictionary is? This is what Oxford has on their Website today:  




But our problem keywording is that café becomes caf . . . not cafe. 

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I worked so hard at getting the characters correct when I uploaded a group of images from Sweden only to end up with a mess. The thing is, the "American" spelling of some of these places still includes the special characters so I guess it's just necessary to add in the keywords correctly and then a second set with them sans accents. 

The same problem occurs with something as simple as Valentine's Day - apostrophes don't work either - so I spell it incorrectly Valentines Day and Valentine Day. It's not just an Alamy issue I've seen the same problem on numerous sites.  

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Here in Little Italy, 'caffe' is sometimes in the name of a place or for 'caffe latte' but that's okay because it has no accent marks. 


I'm sorry to correct you, but the Italian word for coffee is spelled caffè, with a compulsory accent on the e to point out that the stress is on the last syllable instead of the second-last, as usual in Italian. Thus, unfortunately there we have the keywording issue as well.


On a side note: German, as you might know, is a bit better with regards to its umlauts: For each umlaut there is a replacement: ä => ae, ö => oe, ü => ue. This allows correct unambiguous spelling when using a keyboard without umlaut keys. Remember this when you use German keywords, e.g., if referring to the Swiss town of Brügg, add Bruegg as keyword. You might be tempted to add Brugg as well, because this is the way non German speaking people usually treat umlauts, but please be aware that German speaking people would never do this. In fact, both Brügg and Brugg exist, but they are two different towns, 100km apart from each other.

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