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Keywords repeating when uploaded to Alamy from PS CS 3

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Hi all, i searched the forums and did not find this issue addressed : I am uploading from PS CS 3 using the 'file info' for captions, keywords , etc.. When i go to manage images on Alamy, I see that my keywords are added twice (in the comprehensive field), with the 2nd listing sometimes truncated depending on length. I overcome this problem by just deleting the repeated keywords before I cut and paste them into the Alamy essential and main fields, however I would like to know if there is a way to keep the keywords from repeating in the first place . Thanks in advance for any solutions or other comments ...

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That's really weird. I keyword in Bridge and have never had that happen. You say you upload from PS? Do you mean you directly upload from PS? That might be your problem. After keywording, I put the finished jpegs into a named Alamy folder on my desktop, and upload from that.


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Hi Betty, after processing / keywording in PS CS 3, I save the JPG files to a dedicated folder for Alamy upload.  My keywords then show up in the Alamy 'comprehensive' field, which is where they are listed twice, with the 2nd group truncated depending on how many keywords. As I mentioned, I then have to delete the duplicates before cutting and pasting the original keywords in to the Alamy 'essential' and 'main' keyword fields. Easy problem to overcome, but a nuisance none the less, and,as you say, weird.

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Hi Betty, after processing / keywording in PS CS 3, I save the JPG files to a dedicated folder for Alamy upload.  My keywords then show up in the Alamy 'comprehensive' field, which is where they are listed twice, with the 2nd group truncated depending on how many keywords. As I mentioned, I then have to delete the duplicates before cutting and pasting the original keywords in to the Alamy 'essential' and 'main' keyword fields. Easy problem to overcome, but a nuisance none the less, and,as you say, weird.

I see. You are doing it right. All I can offer is that there is a gremlin lurking to annoy you. I would be annoyed, also. Has to be on Alamy's end, I would think. But what do I know. ;)

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I have the exact same issue with duplication into the Comprehensive Field.


It doesn't occurs with every image though - only those with lots of keywords. I think those with roughly 20 or less escape the duplication.

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Same thing here. Processing in CS6 then jpegs to folder. Then upload. This has only been happening in the past two years or so. Never happened before that with the same CS6 and workflow. 


I put it down to a clutch in Alamy system. Not a big hassle but a hassle nonetheless when uploading then key wording in Alamy with a big upload.



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Very strange.  I've never seen this.  I keyword in PS CS3 using commas.  I'm lazy, so I copy comprehensive keywords into main, so I would notice this.

I don't use commas when keywording, just spaces. I suspect this is where the problem lies, but just can't figure out why. Do you use just the comma, or a comma and space between keywords ? With the Alamy essential keyword field limited to 50 characters, space is at a premium. I think I'll start experimenting with commas, semi-colons and spaces to see if this somehow makes a difference. I used to use quotes back in the early days of Alamy when 'stemming' was an issue / controversy at Alamy, but the need for quotes to keep words exactly in order went away ( I think) ....

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I use commas and a space in LR 6 and commas or semicolons and a space in PS CC or Bridge (I tend to do my essential keywording in LR when I download from a card and then finish up wherever I happen to be before upload) and I've never seen this happen. When the keywords arrive in the Comprehensive field in Alamy they no longer have commas and I wouldn't put them back. I had CS5 before CC (upgraded <2 yrs ago) and never saw the problem occur then either.


On the other hand, I can't get the Stockimo app to work with my iPhone no matter what I do, so I guess we are all plagued by some gremlins of one kind or another.  

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In PS CS3 I use comma and a space to separate keywords.  PS automatically changes my commas into semi-colons when I save the file.  On import to Alamy, the semi-colons are removed and the keywords are separated only by a space.

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In PS CS3 I use comma and a space to separate keywords.  PS automatically changes my commas into semi-colons when I save the file.  On import to Alamy, the semi-colons are removed and the keywords are separated only by a space.


In terms of improving workflow getting this sorted would be a huge benefit. Anything that helps contributors make their workflow more efficient benefits Alamy too. 


I keyword in PS before upload and it does get tedious having to a second pass for the syntax in Manage Images.

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Once I'm in manage images, I put in commas after every keyword or phrase. A few phrases, I use quotes. If I don't have a lot of keywords, I leave the spaces. If I need every space, I remove them.

This works for me. I don't get single keywords turned into phrases.

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Once in Manage Images - and I still use the 'old' version - I keyword in the relevant sections but never use commas, or any other kind of punctuation. Seems to work OK for me.


I'm sure that the repeat of keywords mentioned above is some sort of glitch in Alamy system. 


Obviously when key wording in PS one doesn't have the categories - just the keyword section and then distribute the words as you wish when the image has passed QC. As mentioned above I just cut the repeated keywords before distributing the remainder as I decide in importance.



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