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Supertags - Do they work??

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I do use them but sometimes forget to check ten tags as "supertags".   Do we know if they work in any way?  Such as do they bring your images more to the front of a search if you have a supertag in the buyers' search words? 

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Posted (edited)

It has been a long time since I tested it but I used my BHZ image and tried all combinations. I got the best result from BHZ included in both caption and supertag.



Edited by NYCat
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12 hours ago, NYCat said:

It has been a long time since I tested it but I used my BHZ image and tried all combinations. I got the best result from BHZ included in both caption and supertag.



I saw the same, but also haven't retested recently.



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12 hours ago, NYCat said:

It has been a long time since I tested it but I used my BHZ image and tried all combinations. I got the best result from BHZ included in both caption and supertag.






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Posted (edited)

They seem to work particularly well if they "marry" with the caption i.e the first few cation words are the first supertag words

Edited by ReeRay
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