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December Challenge: The voting shortlist.

Julie Edwards

December Challenge. Voting. Shortlist  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Your Choice.

    • Michael Ventura : Monks Pray in Bangkok.
    • Andrew Spiers : Aldermaston Easter 2008 (old woman in front of ambulance).
    • Lynne : A week old baby girl peacefully sleeping.
    • John Morrison : Derwent Water.
    • NYCat : The Arctic Ocean near the Svalbard
    • Colin Woods : Madurai Palace, India
    • Lisa : A war protest held on the beach in Santa Barbara

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A8AMJR.jpg Michael Ventura Monks Pray in Bangkok


B6XPXR.jpg Andrew Spiers Aldermaston Easter 2008;


CFJJYC.jpg Lynne A week old baby girl peacefully sleeping


B79G4R.jpg John Morrison Derwent Water...


DMBKH9.jpg  NYCat The Arctic Ocean near the Svalbard Archipelago




CPEP9E.jpg   Colin Woods : Madurai Palace, India


D0RBEA.jpg Lisa : A war protest held on the beach in Santa Barbara


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Hi Julie, many thanks for choosing one of mine for the short list! I had the impression that there short should be 8. I know we don't have a rule book but I think that has been the usual number.


I must admit - i thought 6...if someone can advise then ill update butu i think it should be a little short seeing as there were not many entries...




I have added a couple more..

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Thanks everyone. I have just posted the new challenge of Sunset. Thanks Julie for an interesting theme and as ever some great shots sent in. So go over to the January challenge post and get going, we want hundreds of lovely palettes of warm tones to help forget the grey outside.





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