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Treshold for payment



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Hi There

 what do you ( both of you) think about my archive photos?

These are my  photo collection ( of course the public domain are not but i have the books ) i have been collecting for 16 yrs. 

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13 minutes ago, Pekydeco said:

Hi There

 what do you ( both of you) think about my archive photos?

These are my  photo collection ( of course the public domain are not but i have the books ) i have been collecting for 16 yrs. 



It's not at all my thing I'm afraid, no experience with selling archive images. Other contributors here have a lot of experience with it so can hopefully answer.


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Hi Pekydeco, I had a quick look at your archive photos, a nice collection, but you need to have relevant keywords, adding irrelevant keywords (tags), it only hurts you in the long run.  You need to research the photos and keyword with accurate words and terms.  More sales will come if you keyword and caption properly.

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I'm not familiar with the archive route but you are obviously able to put a lot more in the caption. You are, unfortunately, putting in a lot of words that do not appear in the image. If someone is looking for a hippo they don't want a photo of a giraffe. Probably the most important thing we can do to insure sales is to be careful and accurate in our captions and keywords. I think you have a lot of correcting to do. I was charmed by many of the images but no one will find them. I see Michael has said the same thing as I was writing this.



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28 minutes ago, NYCat said:

I'm not familiar with the archive route but you are obviously able to put a lot more in the caption. You are, unfortunately, putting in a lot of words that do not appear in the image. If someone is looking for a hippo they don't want a photo of a giraffe. Probably the most important thing we can do to insure sales is to be careful and accurate in our captions and keywords. I think you have a lot of correcting to do. I was charmed by many of the images but no one will find them. I see Michael has said the same thing as I was writing this.



Hi Paulette

you get to my Achilles' heel. my early uploads at the 1-5 pages are tried to follow these instruction ( what i had read previously here in the forum) but no one fiund my images. Then i try to put as much as keywords in the caption section and at the and i make description about the picture. and i can can catch up a good series i get hundreds of views. my ctr was 0.26 in february.

I will follow your instructions and try with few but relevant captions and keywords 

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4 hours ago, Pekydeco said:

Hi Paulette

you get to my Achilles' heel. my early uploads at the 1-5 pages are tried to follow these instruction ( what i had read previously here in the forum) but no one fiund my images. Then i try to put as much as keywords in the caption section and at the and i make description about the picture. and i can can catch up a good series i get hundreds of views. my ctr was 0.26 in february.

I will follow your instructions and try with few but relevant captions and keywords 


Your pictures will appear at a certain level (e.g. first page, 10th page... etc.) in searches by clients, depending on various factors. CTR and Sales are the only factors we know about for sure in the secret formula Alamy uses to set our search ranking. Your CTR rank (on your Dashboard) is a function of the number of times a client zooms (clicks on) one of your images versus the number of times your images appear in a client search, but are not zoomed.

CTR=Zooms/Views * 100

This is basically a long way of me saying, don't spam keywords. E.g. don't put sky, blue, clouds for every single outdoors picture you shoot. There is a tendency to try to put lots of keywords for your images to try to get them seen by clients. So they may well appear in searches, but if they're not zoomed by a client, your CTR rank will drop. Which means your images won't show as high up in client searches. You don't want your images to get buried in the 280 million images on Alamy. By all means, put a lot of keywords in for certain pictures if they're relevant. Captions and keywords are almost more important than the image itself because you can have the most amazing images ever, but if they're keyworded wrong, no one will ever see them.


Include variant spellings, in particular British and American spellings. Also include singular and plurals  of words if appropriate. Don't worry about moving the line to optimised (green) - we have collectively decided that this is not a good idea unless you really need that many keywords.




Also, find some similar images on Alamy from other people and see how they've keyworded and captioned them. Don't assume they've got it right either, but if you find a few examples from different contributors, it should help. There's lots of threads on keywording and captioning on the Forum if you have a look.

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10 hours ago, Pekydeco said:

Hi There

 what do you ( both of you) think about my archive photos?

These are my  photo collection ( of course the public domain are not but i have the books ) i have been collecting for 16 yrs. 

i have an archive collection but they are non-public domain copied from old slides or printed photographs. They do pretty well on the whole. If your archive images are available elsewhere and for free then I wonder if it’s worth the effort. As others spotted tags need a lot of work. Image 2HPGRDD a photo of the Japanese Emperor has tags army, artillery, attack, Austro-Hungarian, battle, battlefield, bomb, soldier, Scottish, United Kingdom, Russia, press photo, English etc none of which are relevant.

Edited by Sally
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1 hour ago, Sally said:

i have an archive collection but they are non-public domain copied from old slides or printed photographs. They do pretty well on the whole. If these images are available elsewhere and for free then I wonder if it’s worth the effort. As others spotted tags need a lot of work. Image 2HPGRDD a photo of the Japanese Emperor has tags army, artillery, attack, Austro-Hungarian, battle, battlefield, bomb, soldier, Scottish, United Kingdom, Russia, press photo, English etc none of which are relevant.

likewise mainly i have got the same  they are non-public domain copied from old slides or printed photographs, just you checked the first page which was came up.

Yes u r right which is from the same source 45 of 50 tags are the same and the 5 is different, like japan, emperor...


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1 hour ago, Pekydeco said:

likewise mainly i have got the same  they are non-public domain copied from old slides or printed photographs, just you checked the first page which was came up.


Not sure what you mean….they are all marked as in the public domain…which presumably they are if they are from books. 

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10 minutes ago, Sally said:

Not sure what you mean….they are all marked as in the public domain…which presumably they are if they are from books. 


If they're from old books, old slides, and old printed photographs, they're either old enough to be in the public domain (owning them as objects does not give copyright) or not in the public domain and either you had the copyright assigned by the original photographers or their heirs or not. 

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37 minutes ago, Rebecca Ore said:


If they're from old books, old slides, and old printed photographs, they're either old enough to be in the public domain (owning them as objects does not give copyright) or not in the public domain and either you had the copyright assigned by the original photographers or their heirs or not. 

Yes I know…my point was the the OP seemed to be saying that his archive photos are non-public domain (which I don’t think they are) and I was arguing that these kinds of archive images may not be worth the trouble whereas my own archive are either copyrighted or only I have the images and therefore I think they sell well. But I probably didn’t make the point clearly enough.

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5 hours ago, Sally said:

Yes I know…my point was the the OP seemed to be saying that his archive photos are non-public domain (which I don’t think they are) and I was arguing that these kinds of archive images may not be worth the trouble whereas my own archive are either copyrighted or only I have the images and therefore I think they sell well. But I probably didn’t make the point clearly enough.


I re-read that and wondered if you were talking about older pictures that you took.

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6 hours ago, Sally said:

Yes I know…my point was the the OP seemed to be saying that his archive photos are non-public domain (which I don’t think they are) and I was arguing that these kinds of archive images may not be worth the trouble whereas my own archive are either copyrighted or only I have the images and therefore I think they sell well. But I probably didn’t make the point clearly enough.

 We  r saying the same but looks like as more people join this forum is mixed them up. Yes all images which are from books are public domain. And for example an old cabinet photograph which was dated at 1889 ( and the photographer and his studio was closed  at 1892 ) is no more copyrighted and i am owning the only images  just as you wrote  ( onl y I have the images ) is the same and  which are not marked as  public domain is like this. ) 

at the end make it clear if the artist/photographer died 1951 and before than his/her works are not copyrighted anymore hot his/her heirs as well. If he/she died yesterday of course his/her works belongs to his/her heirs.

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17 minutes ago, Pekydeco said:

 We  r saying the same but looks like as more people join this forum is mixed them up. Yes all images which are from books are public domain. And for example an old cabinet photograph which was dated at 1889 ( and the photographer and his studio was closed  at 1892 ) is no more copyrighted and i am owning the only images  just as you wrote  ( onl y I have the images ) is the same and  which are not marked as  public domain is like this. ) 

at the end make it clear if the artist/photographer died 1951 and before than his/her works are not copyrighted anymore hot his/her heirs as well. If he/she died yesterday of course his/her works belongs to his/her heirs.

 i am owning the only images  about one person. this was missed.

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On 01/03/2022 at 23:44, Pekydeco said:

 We  r saying the same but looks like as more people join this forum is mixed them up. Yes all images which are from books are public domain. And for example an old cabinet photograph which was dated at 1889 ( and the photographer and his studio was closed  at 1892 ) is no more copyrighted and i am owning the only images  just as you wrote  ( onl y I have the images ) is the same and  which are not marked as  public domain is like this. ) 

at the end make it clear if the artist/photographer died 1951 and before than his/her works are not copyrighted anymore hot his/her heirs as well. If he/she died yesterday of course his/her works belongs to his/her heirs.


You're  going to need to be very careful of what you assume is not protected. UK "The duration of copyright protection depends on the nature of the protected work itself. In respect of literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works copyright generally lasts for the lifetime of the owner plus 70 years after their death (or 50 years if the work was computer generated)."


Lifetime + 70, have you verified every one of your images for the death date and that they were never copyrighted? For books and magazines the publisher can own the copyright, not just the author. This is not simple nor easy.


Good luck it's sometimes difficult to get downloads for things that are free all over the web. But a good edit and descriptive keywords and titles/descriptions will get yours seen and found.


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11 hours ago, Klinger said:


You're  going to need to be very careful of what you assume is not protected. UK "The duration of copyright protection depends on the nature of the protected work itself. In respect of literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works copyright generally lasts for the lifetime of the owner plus 70 years after their death (or 50 years if the work was computer generated)."


Lifetime + 70, have you verified every one of your images for the death date and that they were never copyrighted? For books and magazines the publisher can own the copyright, not just the author. This is not simple nor easy.


Good luck it's sometimes difficult to get downloads for things that are free all over the web. But a good edit and descriptive keywords and titles/descriptions will get yours seen and found.


Yes you are right. The collection of public domains  what i have there are two sections. The photos CDV or others are coming from auctions, or flea markets, and where i can find any stamp i always check. the others are the books. i do not download anything from the internet these public domain means that i have bought a very bad condition book, let just say an encyclopedia which was pressed and published in 1880 in a Prussia and i check always the country and publishing company (e.g. Prussia is not exist any more and the publisher company has been closed also). Which is not clear: the photo or illustration) i always thick that there is copyright and i do not have hence it is just editorial use. But i have not uploaded this sort of things

. i have beencollecting for long time just start to share some of them here. there are gems which is missing from every where and i have got one i want to save it. so it is more mission than business. Right now i am going to a flea market and old timer show for hunting.

I have collectiong photos like yours( original photos) Image ID: 2H3B55T

so a photo which original i have from 1891 i thing it is ok to upload isn't it?

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The other problem is claiming something is not in the public domain simply because you own the only existing copy of the photo, or at least the only known existing photo.   It's still out of copyright.  It's still public domain even if finding another example would be impossible.  Owning a print, even if it's a unique print, or a unique copy of a painting does not transfer copyright to the person owning the painting unless that was in the contract. 


Okay to upload scans of 19th Century photos, but needs to be marked "public domain."  

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1 hour ago, Rebecca Ore said:

The other problem is claiming something is not in the public domain simply because you own the only existing copy of the photo, or at least the only known existing photo.   It's still out of copyright.  It's still public domain even if finding another example would be impossible.  Owning a print, even if it's a unique print, or a unique copy of a painting does not transfer copyright to the person owning the painting unless that was in the contract. 


Okay to upload scans of 19th Century photos, but needs to be marked "public domain."  

And what is your first problem Rebbeca?

if you were started as other.

Yes it might be right, but i strongly believe that 99% of the alamy contributors are not going to do that, i marked which it is need to be marked, but which are family heritage i am not going to  do that.

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All in all

i had not been thought that my simple question of treshold would be started a strom which is going to be spread all this forum community if i would get just 25% of this activity on the sales i would be very glad!

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