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Pinterest struck a deal with Getty


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I think it sets a standard. I'd love to see Alamy do the same thing. It would be great for the brand (which is also our brand) and make end users more aware of where their pictures come from.

My experience of Pinterest is that many (?most?) users couldn't give a damn where the pics come from (or where Beyonce got her boots from . . . what an absolutely childish, condescendingly stupid justification that is), they just want to "pin" them to gain kudos from their peers. I can't see one iotoa of commercial advantage gained by having my images plastered across Pinterest. Or am I just missing some arcane aspects of the whole affair?



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I would be more impressed if they used the data collected to shut down the accounts of anyone who posted copyrighted images without permission, and at the same time informed getty - who then took action against the infringer.

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Great idea in principle but will be interested to see how much each Getty contributor gets per image pinned. Also, does a photographer get a royalty every single time an image is pinned or simply for the first time it appears on pinterest? I wouldn't hold my breath on this being a profitable revenue source for photographers. I'm guessing we'll see sub microstock royalties for photographers and difficulty for subsequent agencies to strike a profitable deal, due to Getty negotiating low and dirty to undercut rivals from the start.

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