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Fine Art site and Alamy...RM or RF.

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I'm planning to put a bunch of my nicer landscape photos up on a fine art site, most likely FAA.  As I will also be putting them on Alamy, I am wondering if going with an Alamy RM license will give the images a bit more credibility/protection/?  I'm having trouble coming up with clear thoughts on this and would welcome any input.




Rick Boden

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I don’t put the same images on both, so I don’t know. I’ve done artistic things to my images which visually changes them for print on demand. But Alamy did say it was fine to have them on both sites. I really don’t think the RM question pertains...people who steal, steal from everywhere, no matter whether they are RM or not.

Not even sure this topic is ok, since Alamy removed our links under our signatures or avatars (can’t remember) to our POD sites a couple of years ago. We usually just say “POD” rather than listing the agency/site.

By the way, if you do put them on POD, do not list them in the tables for editorial or commercial sales. Keep them as simply print on demand for all the various items. You can get your 50% that way. But if you prefer to offer them for extended uses on POD, you need to list them here as non-exclusive.  I did have some listed for other uses but removed them from those opportunities during the big HooHaa after the percentage cut was announced by Alamy so they wouldn’t compete with Alamy and I could retain my 50-50 split. 

Hope I didn’t confuse you! 😁


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I don't know about credibility, but in a perfect world I would list all of those I have available on POD sites as RM here, to insure they could be marked not for sale for PU, however, since I have some photos available on other sites as RF, I can't do that with all of them. I also have many artistic images that aren't available as stock, but find that many photos that sell well as stock are also photos that people like to hang on their walls, so there is a fair amount of overlap.


It's funny, a boutique macrostock site contacted me a few years ago inviting me to list some of my work exclusively with them, and I ultimately decided against it since they put all of their images on the POD site you mention at prices well below what I sell my prints for, so I was concerned that would interfere with my sales, earning less per print and having to pay a commission as well, although it is far better than only earning $3-10 for a PU sale when I usually make $$$ on a fine art print sale.  I'd be upset if one of my better sellers sold as PU, but so far my PU sales have been images that tend to sell as greeting cards, so that hasn't been an issue, but it is a risk. 


Just be sure that you mark all your RM images as not available for PU, otherwise, making them RM won't actually make any difference as far as fine art sales are concerned. 


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Thank you Marianne, 


I was planning to move all my recent Alamy Images from RF to RM specifically so I can deny PU and also Presentation use.  I think it's ludicrous that Alamy will give a customer a 8000 pixel wide image for slideshow and newsletter usage.  Now I see I cannot control Presentation use so not sure what to do now.




Rick Boden

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That’s the kick, and probably well-thought out by Alamy.  Alamy probably held back our control of that because many would think twice about opting out of PU if they couldn’t also opt out of Presentation.

If your images aren’t available for one, the buyer will go to the other. Stinks, doesn’t it? Kind of like offering a gift with the left hand to make us feel good,  then snatching it away with the right hand.


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Yes, I just don't understand the reasoning for giving a high res file for a low res use.  I have a stock page on PhotoDeck which is similar to PhotoShelter and even on those sites, I can control the file size of the image given to the customer depending on the usage (and price.)



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I've just started sending photos to that fine art POD site and I think it will help me with my Alamy contributions too as I can upload to Alamy at the same time.  One thing, I could not find anywhere on the "art" site an option to sell as stock in order to turn it off.  

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7 minutes ago, rickboden said:

I've just started sending photos to that fine art POD site and I think it will help me with my Alamy contributions too as I can upload to Alamy at the same time.  One thing, I could not find anywhere on the "art" site an option to sell as stock in order to turn it off.  

IIRC, you have to turn it on, it's off by default (assuming we're talking about the same Fine Art POD site which majors on America).

Just checked and while editing, selling RM or RF is at the bottom of all the options (below wall tapestries)

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17 minutes ago, Cryptoprocta said:

IIRC, you have to turn it on, it's off by default (assuming we're talking about the same Fine Art POD site which majors on America).

Just checked and while editing, selling RM or RF is at the bottom of all the options (below wall tapestries)


Thank you.  Funny but it is not listed as an option on my page.  The closest I could see was the option for "Digital Picture Frame Streaming" which I turned off.

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10 minutes ago, rickboden said:


Thank you.  Funny but it is not listed as an option on my page.  The closest I could see was the option for "Digital Picture Frame Streaming" which I turned off.

We must be taking about different sites, then.

Or else it's weird. For me, the RM or RF options are between Wall Tapestries and Digtal Picture Frame Streaming, which suggests it's the same site.

I wonder if back in the day I turned it on in bulk editing. I had some selected as RM, but I unselected them to keep my 50% on Alamy.

I only heard of one person ever making a stock sale there, and it was one sale right after the option was introduced, so no loss at all.

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10 minutes ago, Cryptoprocta said:

We must be taking about different sites, then.

Or else it's weird. For me, the RM or RF options are between Wall Tapestries and Digtal Picture Frame Streaming, which suggests it's the same site.

I wonder if back in the day I turned it on in bulk editing. I had some selected as RM, but I unselected them to keep my 50% on Alamy.

I only heard of one person ever making a stock sale there, and it was one sale right after the option was introduced, so no loss at all.

 I'm pretty sure it's the same site (FAA) but I don't have the option.  I'll keep my eyes open though.  The last thing I want is for them to sell my images as stock without me knowing about it.

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7 minutes ago, rickboden said:

 I'm pretty sure it's the same site (FAA) but I don't have the option.  I'll keep my eyes open though.  The last thing I want is for them to sell my images as stock without me knowing about it.

Same site. Maybe I had to turn it on when it started (after I started there).

In Behind the Scenes, there's an Image Licensing Program button quite low down the page in the Special Features section.  I see I have it set at Yes, which allows me to set by individual image; probably it is NO by default.

"If you select "YES", we'll activate additional features for you that allow you to license your images on http://licensing.pixels.com as royalty-free and/or rights-managed licenses.   You're not actually committing to licensing your images by selecting "YES".   You're just activating the features that allow you to go through your images one at a time (or in bulk, if you want to) and determine which ones you want to license.   Don't worry - you can change this back to "NO" at any time.

You get to control which images you want to license... which types of licenses you want to offer... how much you want to charge for each license... etc."

Thanks for this discussion, I can set it to No then I don't need to worry that I've left a file in by accident.

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An interesting thread, and now I find I have some work to do.


I have about 200 images on a POD site where many, but not all of which, also are on Alamy.


All of my Alamy images are RM.   I do not have any other Stock agencies, so all my Alamy images are marked "exclusive". 


The POD site only sells as finished prints.


The commission paid per sale on the POD site is equivalent to an Alamy licence at $30 gross.


It seems to me that for  the Alamy  images which appear on the POD site, I could either exclude them from PU, or untick the ""Exclusive "  box.


Any suggestions as to which I should do would be appreciated.

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