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Not sold one image as yet ...


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Howdy guys and girls,
just curious I have at this stage a small number of images approx. 120 and have been a contributor for a year, but I am yet to sell one photo.
My last submission failed because a dusk shot was deemed to much noise, but looked ok to me.
And my QC rank is one star.
I do have same or similar images in another library which have sold.
Am I missing something … or do I need more and better images to sell on Alamy?
thx and cheers, 
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Imagine how I feel on over 1000 images with no sales :D


But yes, you only have 100 images. So unless someone is looking for one of those subjects specifically, on alamy, and notice yours when presented among possibly hundreds or thousands of results.... well, chances are slim!


Somehow, I have managed to never get a rejection on here - but just re-review images at 1:1 before submission from a standpoint of "what's wrong with this?", and if anything stands out, either fix or don't upload it. 


But, yes, from everything I hear, you will need a lot more images. Sometimes people get lucky, sometimes some of us have particular content that just isn't what's wanted at that time :)


You do have some really nice images, by the way :)



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You should put the scientific name in all your images of creatures. People do search that way. I think you have only done scant keywords on those images. They are the ones that always interest me so I didn't check anything else. Nice portfolio though.



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If you add another 2000 images of the quality of what you have, and caption and tag them correctly, the sales will come. You have a beautiful (but tiny) portfolio. Every living thing, animal or plant, needs the scientific name. Most of mine have sold with the search terms being the scientific name. 

That said, do your due diligence in finding those scientific names. Worse than having none is identifying something with the wrong term.


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You have to remember that this is a professional supplier of images, not Flickr or 500px. The arty type captions will get you nowhere. The Babbling Forest Brook, for example. Where is it (country, state/province, region, national park name). Your photo P6ACN0 is another example. It is near the Annapurnas, but it is separated from them by the Kali Gandaki. Which peak is it (its the gorgeous Dhaulagiri, one of my favourite mountains up there with the elegant Aiguille Verte and les Grandes Jorasses), which face (its the yet-unclimbed south face). You have to get these details in, and you have to get them right. Its very easy to spend ages searching the internet to find these details, but you have to do it. There is an insider's secret though - the forum here is full of very experienced and knowledgable people. If you are not sure of the details of something then post an image here and ask and you will get full and detailed information. You have a good portfolio, don't let it go un-noticed by not putting in the less interesting but nevertheless vitally important work of accurate captioning and keywording. You caption should always be in a complete sentence and describe who, what, where, when, why and how. 

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Also remember to put both singular and plural versions of your keywords.  For example, I like one of your kangaroo photographs.  However only "kangaroo" was in the keywords, not "kangaroos".   If someone was searching for images of "red kangaroos", they would never find that image.

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Hello and Thank you … hope all can see this Reply?

Much appreciated on the feedback … helpful.

cheers and happy snapping to you!

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