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Connecting RX100m3 to Windows 10 PC by cable

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I've been grappling with this for a good while and getting nowhere. Can anyone help please?


All I'm trying to do is connect an RX100m3 to a W10 PC using the USB cable, expecting to be able to inspect the SD card in the camera with Internet Explorer.


Despite all the Sony books saying this is fine, it simply doesn't work & I cannot figure out why. I've tried all of the USB related settings in the camera, even reset it to default settings.


I know I can take out the card & use a card reader. I know I can connect via Wi-Fi. But for the purposes of my current task I need to make a cable connection.


Is anyone doing this routinely and if so how did you get it to work.


Any advice much appreciated. Thanks,



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Problem solved - having tried two other USB cables, I tried the third & it worked.


There's no obvious difference between them, but I'm going to fix a label on the working one!



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Be careful with the cover.


You should have gotten the original cable in the box btw. On the cable it says: Sony brand made in China.

It is different from a regular USB micro: it's a bit longer and has 10 contacts extra. Those are only needed for the remote afaik, so every decent USB micro should work for copying files. That's why it's a standard. But in case of doubt or error: try the original short cable.




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Thanks for the feedback Wim & John. I confess that I have never before realised that USB cables were not all the same, lesson learned.


15 hours ago, wiskerke said:

Be careful with the cover.


I will Wim, this is a one-off exercise - normally the little plastic cover on the RX100 stays firmly shut!

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Let me add my voice to Wim wise warning: do not open the flap on the USB slot if you can avoid doing so. Get yourself a plugin card reader and use that for transfers. The cover on my 100/3 is broken from use. 



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5 hours ago, Normspics said:

You could use the Sony Play Memories app to view files on the camera and transfer them to a computer/ iPad etc also use the app as a remote control.

Yes as I said in my original post, I am aware of both wi-fi and SD card readers, but for this particular exercise I wanted to get a cable connection working. But thanks for responding.

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