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inserting an image...how?

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I've posted and added an image before, but today...well, it's just not working for me. I've re-read the forum help section but still my old brain is not getting it.


Can some kind member please tell me, in very simple terms, just how I link to an Alamy image within my post. I keep getting the url and the image does not show.


Also, when reading the help section, it said: "There are two versions of the post editor: the standard editor and the rich text editor. Which one you use can be configured from your settings. With the rich text editor, you'll see how the post will look when it's finally posted, like a live preview."


I've looked in my settings area numerous times, and can't see where to do this...help please!


Thank you for any help, from this oldish and grey haired clownfish

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You make a copy of the url and then you click on the little square icon in the line above where you are typing. It appears for me above the word "click" in this message. I can't remember exactly what happens then but it will be pretty clear.



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On a MacBook Air (Apple) laptop, go to the photo that you want, I hit the touch pad with two fingers at the same time to right click on the photo, click on 'Copy Image Address', next go to your new post, and click on that square multi-colored icon that runs along the top of where you are typing that says 'Image' when your mouse hovers over it, then I paste right where the blinking cursor is (the top says 'Image Properties' in blue), I single click and paste the url web address (I use 'Control V' to paste) and click 'OK'. 

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Have the photo open on Alamy (or even somewhere else on the web) and simply drag it to your post.


It works when you have two browsers open next to each other, but also when you have two tabs: one with this forum with your post and the other with the page with your picture in it. In that case, drag your image to the tab of this forum, wait a second and then drag it further down till you're in the message box and drop it there.

It couldn't be more simple. (Mind control maybe.)



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