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    New York City


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  • Joined Alamy
    04 Mar 2009

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Community Answers

  1. He seems so lost in his world and the one shoe off makes a bit of mystery. Why is it off? Wonderful image. Paulette
  2. Last day to vote. I think we know who will win. Such a charming photo. Paulette
  3. I've done it... a couple of years ago... and a combination of caption and super tag gave the best results. Paulette
  4. I supertag all mine but I am a tiny contributor compared to the mighty Jeff. Paulette
  5. Nice fur. Not quite smooth short-hair and not long-hair. Soft. Plush? A toy? Paulette
  6. If they start checking every photo they will need more people and our share will have to be diminished. It sounds like you are expert enough that you will seldom have a fail. Paulette
  7. Thanks for choosing one of mine. Paulette
  8. You don’t need to delete it from Alamy. Go over the other images very carefully and only submit ones you are sure have no flaws. Paulette
  9. Correct email is contributors@alamy.com You should get an automated email right away. Today is a holiday so a detailed answer will follow. Paulette
  10. This has been a real pleasure...except for having to leave out so many images I appreciated. Paulette
  11. Boy playing with boat by Lori Rider Lego Skier by Marianne Campolongo Irish Rock Group by David Fowler Pool Players by Michael Ventura Morris Group Wassailing by VbFolly Girl in Maze by Wim Wiskerke Junior Boys Rugby by Doc Happy Clown by John Mitchell Have fun, Paulette
  12. Thank you for your wonderful entries. Now my difficult task begins. Paulette
  13. I think what Alamy has said is that the blur should look intentional so, for instance, if someone buys it they are not surprised that they have a blurry image. Paulette
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