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    Greater London, UK
  • Interests
    Editorial stock


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  • Joined Alamy
    22 Jun 2014

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  1. 24 for $403. 1 high $$ refund. Very low CTR still. Zooms 75% less than normal, not sure why. Perhaps it’s because the number of my submissions have drastically been reduced?
  2. No news is good news, isn’t it? (desperately hoping that it is!)
  3. Only 6 sales so far this month. Tings can only get better, can’t they? 🤣
  4. I’m still unclear as to whether Alamy will automatically update the existing licence agreements in our portfolios, to correspond with their new criteria, or whether the onus is on us to do so. With a port of >20k images it will be impossible/uneconomical to do this for each individual image. Alamy, please can you clarify ASAP?
  5. Does this mean we will have to go back and reclassify all of our existing images or is it from this date onwards? The former would be a massive, if not impossible/impractical, task.
  6. Clickbait, moi? How very dare you? 😉 interesting to see your CTR graph. Some similarities in pattern.
  7. I’m hoping someone might be able to explain why my CTR is so low but my monthly sales are averaging out at about 30 on a regular ish basis. Any ideas? Seems to be an anomaly somewhere.
  8. Seems like an age ago now but 34 for $622 gross.No biggies but the number of tiddlers seems to be reducing. Some quite decent newspaper licences. Price seem improved on recent years. New Alamy contract with newspapers perhaps? Good news if so.
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