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Richard Tadman

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  • Joined Alamy
    22 Sep 2009

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  1. Just as an aside, I'm heartened by the fact that Alamy customer relations seem to be on the ball in responding to genuine enquiries from contributors and personalising the responses. Irrespective of the merits of the changes, it's encouraging Alamy is addressing genuine concerns and legitimate queries swiftly and clearly. Let's hope this marks a continuing trend.
  2. I have my doubts about the portfolio order. I received this last week which doesn't sound as though it's imminent:- "Apologies for this inconvenience and thank you for your patience. Our IT Team have informed us that this was caused by a knock on effect with other work they're doing internally with some sort order changes and they aim to sort this issue within the next couple of months. The extended time frame of this issue being resolved is down to the fact that there is other work going on internally and they need to make sure that this work does not impact other areas of the website, and that everything performs as expected. "
  3. Is anyone else having problems setting their portfolio to display images "most recent first"? Lately my portfolio has assumed a mind of its own and despite attempts to click 'reset order to most recent' it persistently refuses to comply. I know the images are there because a search on the latest additions locate them but embedded deep in the bowels of my PF. Hardly a game changer but another Alamy IT irritation
  4. Measures appears to be back, but heaven knows what we have missed in the interim?
  5. The National Trust would do well to read the publication "The Book of Trespass" by Nick Hayes - a Sunday Times best seller. In summary, he argues cogently that the vast majority of our country is entirely unknown to us because we are banned from setting foot in it; due to a long history of enclosure, exploitation and dispossession of public rights. The words freehold and leasehold originated from giving the rights to 'hold' the land as opposed to owning it. The NT will not want to go to Court but employ lawyers to attempt to intimidate and bully the public. Wake up NT - it's totally counter-productive and why I cancelled my membership.
  6. Not a specific Alamy issue, but can anyone (UK based) recommend a reputable printing lab for professionally printing digital images submitted on-line? I've traditionally used Peak Imaging in Sheffield who appear to have ceased trading. Thanks in Advance.
  7. I trust that the current offer of 10% off your next purchase for completing a survey will not be funded either partially or in whole by contributors?
  8. Surely our contributor contract with Alamy is for them to use their best endeavours to Sell our images to the maximum benefit of both parties. if they are in effect ( with our without distributors) giving them away from the contributors perspective, or taking 100% of the proceeds they are surely in breach of contract? Where in the agreement are they permitted to do that? Common sense and equity should dictate that this is unacceptable by any reasonable assessment.
  9. Appearing on Facebook today was an Alamy sponsored article about the complexity and pressure of getting photographs and the sacrifices made in getting the 'great shot' http://ow.ly/lMvN50KkT6X I read this with a distinct sense of irony having sold a picture through Alamy this morning details below:- Country: WorldwideUsage: Editorial, Multiple re-use in any editorial productions, print and/or onlineMedia: All mediaImage Size: Any sizeStart: 23 August 2022Duration: Unlimited Revenue to me $0.52 Is it me?
  10. From time to time and admittedly not that often, I Google my name with "Alamy" as an addition - so "John Doe Alamy" which has always returned a link to my full portfolio. This is not for self congratulation but to enable me to send a link to friends, associates, colleagues etc, who have asked about my images. Who knows they could be potential buyers? In the last few days, entering my name + Alamy returns a very limited and random selection of 14 images only. Is this another IT issue or a deliberate attempt to restrict access to my portfolio? Is anyone else experiencing the same and if so, why?
  11. Just for clarification (mine) - is the qualifying period for measuring the $250, a calendar year? I read earlier that in some quarters it was being interpreted as a year from the time that the new contract took effect.
  12. I was thinking more about selling framed images at cafes, rather than busking outside Costa!
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