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    Glasgow, Scotland


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  • Joined Alamy
    21 Jun 2011

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Community Answers

  1. BKENHD - Andrew Popkin https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cd9dnk34k41o
  2. I didn't know they'd supply frames too.
  3. Vast difference in fees. I wonder why? Size of print maybe?
  4. 15 for $103. Avg $6.86 This has become the norm for me. High sales, pitiful fees.
  5. You are assuming that customers can get the images they want elsewhere. Well maybe they can maybe they can't but if they can't then they would have to stump up. As for staff, well, photographers aren't in the business of providing images to keep people in a job whilst buying equipment and receiving next to nothing in return. Put it another way, if suppliers stop supplying because it's not profitable, how long will those same staff have jobs. Right now Alamy and customers are laughing all the way to the bank. All contributors are asking for is a fair crack of the whip, which at a few cents, they're not getting.
  6. Minimum $10 across the board.
  7. Apart from those prices what am I missing here? 🤔
  8. It took a few days to stop checking it constantly but after that life went on. It would have been nice to get an e-mail from Alamy when it became apparent the forum was going to be down for a while though. I'm sure it would have prevented many an e-mail dropping in at contributor relations wondering where the problem lay. Nice to be back though.
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