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Martin P Wilson

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    Nottingham, UK
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  • Joined Alamy
    06 Mar 2002

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Community Answers

  1. You can search with a local copy of a specific image using google images or other copyright infringemnt search sites. But no use for searching for your images en masse. You will be able to view the forums so can monitor the images found thread.
  2. For a while in my sport shooting days I used a tilt head (https://www.manfrotto.com/uk-en/monopod-tilt-head-234/) with a monopod, I get most of the other movement without a head. I actually stopped using even that simple tilt-head because I only ever used the monopod with long lenses that had their own rotating tripod mount. Since digital, especially like Betty since going Fuji, and less long lens sport shooting I hardly use a monopod at all. In my later sports shooting days it was mostly basketball, too fast and unpredictable for a monopod. It was mostly shot close up under the basket as well, only very occasional down court shots.
  3. I use Drupal and like WordPress and Joomla (used to use it) sophisticated websites can be built and mainatained without any coding; just by plugging in and configuring pre-written modules—Lego-like. However, some knowledge of computer software and systems is needed to understand proper practice (testing, management, backup etc) especially with regard to security. It is knowledge that can be learned if one has a technical bent and is comfortable with managing and troubleshooting ones personal PC—if you need a third-party to configure or maintain a PC/laptop then building your own web site is probably not for you. You are putting a lot of assets and information out in a public space so need to be confident about security, especially if it includes ecommerce and/or contributors/customer details. Just my 2pennorth. I would just add that I was a software developer initially and a IT system Project Director when I retired so I have some understanding of the challenges, and risks.
  4. Indeed, I make far more from hosting and maintaining a magazine web site, and writing the occasional blog post, for an editor/publisher friend than I do from stock photography. You have got me thinking, perhaps I should widen the scope of my offering ... 🤔
  5. I think the race to the bottom, for the stock photo markjet generally, is essentially over. The main players are now bumping along the bottom, the libraries do not really have anywhere to go. It will just be a matter of time before their 'premium' customers find another way of sourcing images.
  6. I got a book review written and posted. Now I am not concerned with stock phptography I am ffinding more energy for writing, and my research. I have started my blog moving again and will build it on the back of my PhD research.. I am working on what satisfies me rather than worrying about chasing a declining stock income that had become unrewarding in all sense of the word. I am happy again 😁
  7. I have used ecowebhosting.co.uk, here in the UK, for many years. Not expensive and I have found their support to be very responsive. I use them for six or so sites and it costs me £12 a month plus the occasional domain registration fees. They also carbon offset their energy use. I use Drupal as my content management system, after using Joomla for many years. I p[layed with Wordpress but decidied it wasn't for me.
  8. Pity it wasn't forty decades, your early work would be worth serious money. It would predate the earliest surviving photograph (Nicéphore Niépce, le point de vue du Gras, 1826 by over 200 years!
  9. I am assuming that when we give up our Alamy contributor account we will lose the ability to post here. However, the forums appear to be publically readable. When we leave we lose the ability to be part of the conversation on these forums. That will be a shame as I have enjoyed my conversations with many regulars here over the last 20 years.. Is my understanding correct?
  10. I am on my way out too, sometime around 23 July. It has been good knowing you all and I am pleased some of us have already found a way to stay in touch. Best of luck, to everyone whether you have decided to stay or go. We all have different priorities and needs. Martin
  11. I am grateful to Alamy for the new contract😉; that is not entirely tongue in cheek as I had more or less given up stock photography. It has been the spur I needed to abandon general stock photography which I have long argued was heading for oblivion. My termination with Alamy is in hand I will be gone when the old contract ends. However I know where I am going and what I am doing with my photography, assisted by t he work I have been doing fo rmy PhD. I have a new direction and have written it up elsewhere, not allowed to post a link. I hope I can stay in touch. All the best everyone.
  12. for me too the new contract was not the reason I am leaving. I had effectively withdrawn from generic stock several years ago, and written about stock's demise. The new contract was the trigger to actually do something about it. It removes the feeling I should be shooting for submission. So, I am expecting that not doing stock will reinvigorate my photography as I work on extended personal bodies of work (bodies of work and photographerrs' practice is basis of my PhD question). I will be writing about it and sharing it as and where I can.
  13. Oops, not someone I would want to be linked with ... Even before everything came out I had always found him creepy.
  14. All the best Sally, much the same reasoning for me. My termination notice has been accepted by Alamy and I will be gone by the end of the current contract. I too have that sense of liberation but am disappointed to be losing the community of the forums here. My first task is to get my blog running properly again, my PhD work has suggested a new route for my photography. All the best everyone, whatever your plans. Goodbye, and thank you. It was good while it lasted. (see below!)
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