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Hello everyone,


I can imagine that for you this is something old.


I want to say that i really like the AlamyMeasures feature. I have some images of editorial Polish subjects in the city. I see that i have amounts of zooms and views regarding this topic. Seach terms like "Polish food market" or Polish Grocery". Because of that i know that i should include more images concerning food idustry in Poland.


To the experienced Alamy Photographers, is this the right way to use it? Or is this a good way to improve my Portfolio?


Thank you allready :).



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Alamy Measures is a very useful feature as is All of Alamy.  Use it to find which keywords to stop using as well as which types of images are attracting interest.  It is also a good way to spot gaps in the market where there are few results being returned for a particular search term.  I use it a lot.



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I agree, Mirco, very useful, and helpful in improving ones own keywording for Alamy - use it with the "All of Alamy" feature to look back at keyword searches over the past year to see what is looked for and what isnt



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They are very useful.


At the weekend I dug out a list of concepts I had made: proverbs, aphorisms, cliches etc (created on a couple of long train journeys) as I was thinking of setting up to shoot them. But first I checked them against All of Alamy. Few of them had any hits, fewer sales, in the last year. At least I looked before I started shooting! Saved  me a lot of probably wasted time; need to rethink my plans :huh:

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Hi Mirco - when I first started out I used it a lot to refine my keywording. It also proved helpful in highlighting alternative spellings. I often consult it when looking for new locations and new search buzz word trends. A word of caution however. This only includes data from known and valued buyers so it represents only a fraction of the search information.



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Hi, Mirco


As many have said, using AM to seek alternative keywords, spellings, location names etc is very, very handy. I think it is much less handy, and perhaps downright misleading, to use AM to "predict" what is going to sell . . . that to me is like predicting what is going to be in next week's magazine by looking at what was in last week's.



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