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Wrong information 'again'

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I recall a thread recently about wrong information in tags. What was the upshot of it? Do we email MS (or whatever they are called now) and is something done? Or is it not worth the bother? I was just researching a location for a visit (in Portugal) and found a large number of images the were taken in Thailand tagged and described as Thailand but having the Portuguese location also in there as though its been taken at the Portuguese location that carries out the same work. 

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I don't recall the thread you mention. However, I was recently pulled up by customer relations at another agency because I had misidentified an owl I had shot on video and the customer who downloaded it had contacted them to say so. I was mortified and, because I couldn't be 100% sure of the correct ID, I actually deleted the video to avoid perpetuating any possible misidentification.


One can't be sure every contributor will react in the same way, but they ought to be given the opportunity. If the mis-tagging and/or captioning is clearly misleading, I would email contributor relations, asking them to contact the contributor to highlight the issue.

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Yes that was my thought, contact contributor relations and see what they say. As I think was said before, its really not good for anyone if its purchased thinking its one place/thing and actually is not. Of course everyone makes mistakes but two different Countries is a bit of a howler. Thanks for your input.

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3 minutes ago, tarsierspectral said:

They won't do anything.  I have notified them many many times.

That would be a shame, its really not good practice. I have emailed them, but I guess they don't work weekends so don't expect to hear until Monday. My feeling is that nothing will be done in this particular case as I noticed all the images are from two agencies, but call my cynical. 

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I reported a contributor twice for false location. Alamy said they've emailed him but he's not responding, so they can't do anything. 😳😳


Last time I checked, his incorrect uploads were still coming up thick and fast. Very disappointing if Alamy is not bothered about their reputation.



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I was mortified to find that a customer had zoomed two of my images searching for "a couple" but only one of them included said people.  Edited it immediately, but damage done.


Could be my bad, but could also be due to the AIM not deselecting an image when a new one is picked, I HATE that!!!

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1 minute ago, dov makabaw said:

I am currently keyboarding images taken in Israel. When I put in the correct location the map shows Hamburg, in Germany, each time. Something is clearly wrong with the Google map location function.



yeah, but your keyword for location in Israel doesn't get changed automatically to Hamburg does it?

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8 hours ago, dov makabaw said:

I am currently keyboarding images taken in Israel. When I put in the correct location the map shows Hamburg, in Germany, each time. Something is clearly wrong with the Google map location function.




I found this too. However, the location field is not searchable.

This incorrect location conversation relates to tags/keywords entered willingly incorrectly.



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