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Alamy now allows RF without model / property releases provided that the editorial use only box is checked.  This is on the optional tab in image manager.  I also make it a point to mark the number of people and / or the presence of private property and indicate that I don't have releases.  Doing so isn't required -- you can just check the editorial only box -- but to me it's an added layer of protection.  The editorial use only restriction will show when a potential buyer accesses the image and will indicate that Alamy must be contacted about any potential commercial use.


Alamy's definition of people is still quite restrictive -- any person, or part of a person, visible at 100%, is considered to require a model release.  It is not a case of the person being recognizable.  You have quite a few photos where this restriction needs to be added.



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Thanks for the info,


I thought a crane is the same as a heron. I looked it up and they are different. Thanks for the info, Issue corrected.

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Thanks for the info,


I thought a crane is the same as a heron. I looked it up and they are different. Thanks for the info, Issue corrected.


I once called a crane a heron in a photo that I supplied with an article about a bird sanctuary that I had written for a newspaper.


The editor was inundated with letters from angry birdwatchers. He was not amused. I learned my lesson...

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The bird ID goes further than that. If you want to sell here on Alamy you will need to ID the birds in question very precisely. A 'bird on a beach' might have sold once upon a time on microstock, but not here and not now. 


Your RF images with people showing (even distant people) need  to be ticked as editorial only - Alamy's copyright team are even now in the process of contacting contributors who have not taken this action when uploading and keywording.


Lots of info on these forums on these and other issues new contributors regularly come across. The only thing you need to be aware of is that the search engine and the Alamy Image Manager have undergone significant changes since December 2016, so any posts prior to this on these subjects may not be 100% helpful.  Happy reading anyway. 

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Thank You, all for the very constructive advice. I love it. I have already made most of the corrections. I am now about to ID better.

Wikipedia can be your online friend. Here in the U.S. We have Great Blue Herons in my neck of the woods. I would use that name, then the scientific name (found in Wikipedia then checked elsewhere), heron, bird, animal. Then what is my Great Blue Heron doing? If he's standing in shallow water, he is fishing. So, tag fishing. If he's eating his catch, use eating, feeding.


I've had a good number of my flowers, trees, butterflies and bees searched by scientific name only. The other day someone searched Malus. That was my crabapple tree. I had both in my tags. Had I only used "crabapple tree" my image wouldn't have been seen.


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Great ideas Betty,


I will get started on that. Thankfully, I am receiving this info now instead of after having thousands of images uploaded. I am still waiting for my first sale on here. All this information should make a huge impact. I know this is a numbers game. Once you have everything inputted right. Each photo sold is like renewals every month for past work.


Thanks Betty! 

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