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Hello from Georgia

Ryan Walters

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Hi everyone, i'm Ryan Walters I live on a small farm in Georgia, and mostly take nature pictures. I'v been selling pictures sense January but just found this forum, would love tips and suggestions.


Thank you,




P.S: (My pictures so far are nothing spectacular so please don't poke fun.)

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Hello Ryan, please don't take the following the wrong way I am just trying to help.


You have a black and white image of a dog in the woods. First if you took this in color (colour) leave that way, if a customer requires B & W they will remove the color (colour) themselves. Also put in your keywords the type of dog it is.


Further on keywording with animals, birds, insects, marine creatures etc. and with flowers, plants, fungus, etc. always add their proper and common names in the keywords.


Good luck.



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To Allan Bell:


Thank you so much for the advice (no need to worry about me taking it the wrong way), the picture of my dog was just for fun, i didn't even intend to upload it when i took the picture (that's why it's the only B&W photo i have), keywords have always been a stumbling block for me, and i will take your advice.  


Thanks again 



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To Philippe:


With all respect: contrary to what you think of my photos, i do try very hard. This is just a hobby, I don't expect anything of a career, or even to sell very many of them, but going out and taking them makes me happy, and that's why i do this, not to beat out the competition. Nevertheless I will take your comment as advice, and i will put even more effort in to them in the future.





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Hi Ryan: Your neighborhood looks very inviting to this city girl. Philippe is one of the most knowledgable people we have here and he is VERY generous with his time in giving us help. My advice is to always listen with care to what he has to say. As I have spent more time on Alamy I find myself being more and more selective about what I upload. The competition for those of us shooting nature is fierce. Taking a look at Philippe's photos is instructive. He knows what sells. Hope you continue to enjoy making photographs.



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To Paulette:


Thank you for your welcome, and forgive me of my rudeness, I realize i'm VERY inexperienced compared to the people here, I didn't like hearing that my effort was a wast of time and i was to quick to speak, I will take what ever suggestions i'm given in the future.





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To see what you're up against, consider this one of mine.



Geese crossing the road. Simples? No.

They're domestic geese, anser domesticus, and Toulouse geese. In French, oies sans bavettes. In Bergues, Nord-Pas-de-Calais (actually, since 30 September, Hauts-de-France), France.

You have a number of perfectly serviceable photographs of unnamed flowers- if I wanted one of petunia axillaris, I'd never find yours.

Get the idea?

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Ryan, if you click on the blue number next to Images on anyone's post, you can read their keywords. You can learn what's what this way. Philippe is very knowledgable, and he's also a wildlife dude. He's not trying to be hurtful, just honest. Good luck and welcome to Alamy. 

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To Ed Rooney:


Thank you, everyone has been so helpful

I'v realized since that what Philippe said was just constructive criticism, and that's almost always a good thing. :)


Thanks again for the help



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