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Manage my images is microscopic - help!

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Hey guys,

I've just got a new laptop to blitz through photo editing. I've opened up the manage my image tab from My Alamy and everything is microscopic! Thumbnails are tiny and so is the edit box. Has anyone else had this problem, and if so, how did you fix it?


I'm using Firefox, Flash is up to date and my screen resolution is 3840 x 2160. Everything else displays normally. Please help, it's bad for my eyes!



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That is an incredibly high resolution for a laptop. Have you tried lowering the resolution? In any case, never mind how Manage Images looks - image editing at that resolution on a laptop will not be good for your eyes and you will need to do an awful lot of scrolling. In fact image editing on a laptop is far from ideal - I'd suggest you consider a monitor, even a very cheap one.

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Those high rez monitors are a mixed blessing, until software catches up.  I have both a 4K laptop and a 4K 32" monitor - I feel your pain.

Meanwhile, try right clicking your desktop and select display settings (system - display) and set the "change size..." to 150%.

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Oh, you're talking about the manage image screen.  Yes, my above suggestion won't work.  Neither will getting the firefox theme font size changer.  We have to wait until Alamy coders catch up to modern display resolutions and allow some adjustments.

Sticking with old SD resolutions is not a long term solution (in my opinion).

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Hi guys,

Thanks a lot for all the tips. I am using a high definition 4k laptop. Nothing worked apart from dropping down 6 screen resolutions, but then everything else gets messed up outside of the manage images screen! Someone mentioned getting an emulator to have a virtual copy of my laptop with an older copy of windows that won't run the 4k screen, sounds complicated......


Reimar, what do you do then, use another computer?

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I don't use the laptop for photo work, and the 32" monitor is big enough that if I sit a little closer, text is small but usable. 

In your case, you may want to drop your screen resolution just for annotation, and then re-set for all other work.

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Hi Reimar, I got this response from Alamy:


"Just heard back from our technical team, they’ve informed that this is a compatibility issue. They’re yet to update the manage images page for high resolution monitors, so for the moment it’ll be working properly in the regular resolution monitors.


They’ve taken this up and will be working on it and a fix will be launched soon.


In the mean while we can take spreadsheets of keywords for submissions over 100 images, but they need to be in our attached template. There’s a help tab, but if you need further assistance in completing it then please let us know. Once completed send it to our Image Management Team im@alamy.com and they’ll do the rest."


Hopefully the fix comes soon! All the best

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