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Windows 10 and disappearing JPEGs

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Thanks for your reply Jill.


The "missing" JPEG's are still in the computer, I can access them in the sort of folders that came with the computer and with my camera and do little more than store picturers, but I don't know how to get them back where I need them, and because I'm so ignorant about how all of this fits together I'm reluctant to do anything too dramatic.  


Since I put up my original post I've been told by someone who runs a local website that a new business which repairs computer hardware and software has opened in a town 30 or so kms away.  I've spoken to the owner and described the symptoms and he says that he thinks that it must be due to a clash between Windows 10 and software which was already installed.  I hope to go and see him on Friday.





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Thanks for your reply Jill.


The "missing" JPEG's are still in the computer, I can access them in the sort of folders that came with the computer and with my camera and do little more than store picturers, but I don't know how to get them back where I need them, and because I'm so ignorant about how all of this fits together I'm reluctant to do anything too dramatic.  


Since I put up my original post I've been told by someone who runs a local website that a new business which repairs computer hardware and software has opened in a town 30 or so kms away.  I've spoken to the owner and described the symptoms and he says that he thinks that it must be due to a clash between Windows 10 and software which was already installed.  I hope to go and see him on Friday.






No doubt you've already tried uninstalling and reinstalling Elements 6, but thought I'd mention it just in case.

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The reason the RAW files changed to having miniature thumbnails is that Windows 10 supports (understands) more RAW image file formats and so has replaced the simple raw logo with an image thumbnail extracted from the file


Could the reason your jpegs have gone missing be the new Windows 10 photo app? This app contains an import function that can import images into the Pictures library from wherever it finds them. I've never used it, but is it possible that this is what's happened? The import process could be quite slow, so this might explain why images have slowly "disappeared"? The photo app has simply moved them to another folder?

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The reason the RAW files changed to having miniature thumbnails is that Windows 10 supports (understands) more RAW image file formats and so has replaced the simple raw logo with an image thumbnail extracted from the file


Could the reason your jpegs have gone missing be the new Windows 10 photo app? This app contains an import function that can import images into the Pictures library from wherever it finds them. I've never used it, but is it possible that this is what's happened? The import process could be quite slow, so this might explain why images have slowly "disappeared"? The photo app has simply moved them to another folder?

Glad I have a Mac. Having a system that decided for me where IT wants to put MY photos would drive me into fits of rage. This is a function I want left in my own hands. I put my raw files into a named folder on my desktop. When done working on an image, the final save is a JPEG that resides in the same folder next to the raw.

How else could I know, in a folder with a couple of hundred images from a trip, which ones I developed and which are yet to be developed? Especially since I cherry pick images, skipping around and working on my favorites first.

Hope you get it sorted, Geoff, and find a workaround that allows you to do it your preferred way.


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OK, here we go.  My problem has been explained and its solution put in place.  It's probably going crop up from time to time.  I didn't know that one could change the criteria for deciding which types of filed images are normally going to be visible, and in what order they're going to be.  I never looked into it because the default 'rules' suited me.  At some point after Windows 10 arrived the criteria settings were changed, probably by some interaction between the part of the software around these decisions and something else.  So the problem was fixed, and more importantly, when it appeared again a couple of days later, it was fixed again, this time by me, in 30 seconds.  And we have a new, and competent computer expert in the area. 


Thank you all for your contributions.



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