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The Alamy Blog - what would you like us to write about?

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Hello Alamy,


For newcomers it could be good to write about RM and RF. What are the differences. When you advice RM and when RF. How RM-Exclusive works etc.




This would also be helpful for "old-timers" - I often struggle to decide whether an image would be more likely to be licensed as RM or RF and would love to know the advantage of RM-exclusive, since I have many images that, for all intents and purposes, are exclusively on Alamy although I haven't made them "exclusive" there - e.g. Do exclusive images rank higher in searches?


Maybe even to present the Alamy rules/philosophy of the putting the same files on Alamy, other macros stock sites, and other micro stock sites.


We see some of these discussions repeat here and at other discussion boards so the "real" take from Alamy's perspective would be very helpful.

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Would be most interested to hear both positive and negative feedback from customers regarding Stockimo images, particularly about the degree/types of filtering being applied.


I'd also be interested to know if the Stockimo scores awarded to images that have subsequently sold have been analysed for any correlation ie. does the Stockimo team's view of the merits of accepted images tally with the views of the customers?

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Seeing as we are looking at the EIFFEL TOWER            How is it that one photographer has 33  images out of a total of 27000  on page one  in the creative section? That is  one third of all the images displayed and almost half of his 77 images. Explain.??

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  • 6 months later...

Hello Alamy,


After seeing on the forum regular the discussion about what are similars it could be good to explain this in a blog. For example how many are allowed and what is exactly a similar. Also how it could affect your ranking by creating exact similars.



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And I wish to see some public confirmation about how Alamy takes care of the author's (copy)rights in publications - there are few threads about no credit info under images found... Why photographers can't keep control over their work? 

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