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Your favourite images threads


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I'm wondering if we can work a month behind schedule with this one?


By the time I've taken, processed, uploaded, passed QC  and key worded images for the current month, there's only a few days left in which to post, at which point the thread is about to disappear down the plughole.  :wacko:


For sluggish old folk such as myself, a "Your Favourite Images From Last Month"  thread would be more appropriate.


This would allow time for reflection and choice from a whole month's work.


A compromise might be "Your Favourite Recent Images", covering maybe the current and last month's offerings, to suit both the super speedy and the not so slick.. 


Any takers??



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Guess I now fit into the "sluggish old folks" demographic. I'm still working on my income tax, which I left to the last minute as usual, so no uploads at all this month despite having a backlog of images to caption and keyword. Perhaps we need a "seniors" area. B)

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