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Alamy blog - Foodporn


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Taking photos of your food (certainly in a non-professional manner) gets a lot of bad press and comments such as crass and bad taste, yet it’s everywhere. Sex and food is relevant to everyone. Even those that deride food photography have to eat and if it wasn’t for sex they wouldn’t be here to complain about food photography; however foodporn is much easier and more socially acceptable to share than porn in a more traditional sense.



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Ummm . . . before this thread runs off into territory I'm not sure is relevant, let's just remind ouselves that "foodporn" is a tad more subtle than some appear to think :) . . it is actually food photographed in the same glamorous, exciting, sensual, provocative style sex is photographed (or so I'm reliably informed . . . ), and mostly it involves food that is full and rich and brimming over wth fat and sugar and cream and and . . . and is probably not all that good for you :) In the interests of good taste (so to speak), it is not meant to be food that looks like sex or the bits therein used . . . that would be "porn with food" . . . what a silly idea, who's ever heard of such a thing? . . .   . . .   . . .   . . .   . . .   . . .  



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Oh, I'll put the sausages back, then...


Probably wise . . . unless they're really yummy . . .



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