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One of the dumber things I've done in recent times (but surely not the only dumb thing) was to buy an iPad without 3G (or 4G?). It can connect only with wi-fi.  Wonderful, but I don't have wi-fi at home. Can I get wi-fi at home? I guess, but in the same way that I can get a vintage Porsche -- pay for it.  Instead I had decided to save about $150 on the iPad.  There's a free wi-fi connection at the local library. Also funny (not ha-ha funny) is that I can't decide if I really need an iPad. I would have to use it more connected at home before I can understand enough about it: Catch 22. So far, the only thing I use it for is to play Virtual Pool.    :unsure:

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Thanks Ed. Gesture appreciated.


Some folks eh????????


Seriously though, keywording of an iPad is readily available via the original manage images which, incidentally, I prefer to use on my iMac. Others have also expressed their preferences in this respect.

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It might, irony alert, have been someone scrolling on an iPad and accidentally touching the green/red buttons.

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On no, no, no, Jon. I have a very good iMac on a Verizon high-speed telephone line (forget what it's called). Can I connect by plugging into that? I guess you've guessed by now that I'm not a tech-savy person.  :(

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On no, no, no, John. I have a very good iMac on a Verizon high-speed telephone line (forget what it's called). Can I connect by plugging into that? I guess you've guessed by now that I'm a tech-savy person.  :(

 In which case, Ed, why not set up your own wi-fi network from your iMac.  That's how I have wi-fi at home - no need for a separate router. All done within 'System Preferences' and 'Sharing'.

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Hi Ed!

Just get an Apple Airport Extreme wireless router that you connect to your current modem. I assume you have Cable or DSL. Then, Presto - you have wi-fi in your dwelling!

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Hi Ed!

Just get an Apple Airport Extreme wireless router that you connect to your current modem. I assume you have Cable or DSL. Then, Presto - you have wi-fi in your dwelling!


Those things cost $200, $50 more than the $150 I "saved" by not getting 3G.  I have DSL for my iMac.  I'm not planning to travel anymore, so maybe I'll just stick to playing Virtual Pool on my iPad. 

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Hi Ed!

Just get an Apple Airport Extreme wireless router that you connect to your current modem. I assume you have Cable or DSL. Then, Presto - you have wi-fi in your dwelling!


Those things cost $200, $50 more than the $150 I "saved" by not getting 3G.  I have DSL for my iMac.  I'm not planning to travel anymore, so maybe I'll just stick to playing Virtual Pool on my iPad. 



I think I paid about $129 for my refurbished Airport Extreme several years ago.  I use it for my iPad, several iPhones and my Roku so I can watch internet based programs, like YouTube, on my tv.


The Airport Express is only $99 and may be enough to cover your needs. Or you could splurge and get a Time Machine which will give you a wireless network and a back-up drive. There's also third party wireless access points for under $100 but they're not as Mac Friendly as the airports.

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Thanks, neighbor to the west.   :)  Do you know Lupe's on 6th Avenue one block north of Grand? Good Mexican food. I wonder if any of these things can be had for virtual money? I've won several million off Curley at Virtual Pool.

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Sorry I don't think I'm familiar with Lupe's. Do they have wi-fi? ;)


As for virtual money, you could always sell some odds and ends on eBay, put it in your PayPal account, and buy a Wi-fi router with that!

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Sorry I don't think I'm familiar with Lupe's. Do they have wi-fi? ;)


As for virtual money, you could always sell some odds and ends on eBay, put it in your PayPal account, and buy a Wi-fi router with that!


No wi-fi, just Mexican food. There is free wi-fi on the street where Broadway meets Prince and at the Library on Mulberry above Prince.

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Ed, you really did save money because the 3G service isn't free. I only get it for when I travel because they let you take one month for $15. If you want it all the time it would add up. I think you can get an Airport to use with you DSL. I have cable so not positive but if you have a modem it can just plug into the Airport -- which is plugged into the wall.



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Thank you, neighbor to the east. :) 


Obviously I have sorting out to do. I'll begin by watching some YouTube videos. I've been involved with other things, other problems . . . and the understanding of my mini-iPad will have to wait longer still. I'm so unfocused on the iPad. I remember now that you mention it that avoiding monthly payments was the reason I did not get 3G. (I think.)  :unsure:

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