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Stealing images, copying words...

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Interesting article in the Guardian about plagiarism, stealing other people’s words, photos, etc. There are obviously a lot of reasons why someone would steal pix off the internet: to make money, of course, but also to claim them as their own work.   http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/mar/21/rise-plagiarism-internet-shia-labeouf


And a site, mentioned in the article, for exposing 'image thieves'.



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It was ever thus.  Even Shakespeare copied plots and characters from others.  As the old adage would have it.


Stealing text from one source is plagiarism; stealing from two or more is research.


The problem is that those responsible all to often don't think they are doing anything wrong.  Nor do they feel any shame if caught.  The only thing that ever educates them is a financial or career penalty - and even then they whinge.

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I had to 'educate' many university students on the ethics / protocols' of plagiarism. They had gone through school, even to 'A' level standard thinking it was perfectly ok to copy work and use it in essays without credit or reference. It then becomes a mindset and they apply their ethics to everything. Images, music, words etc. Unless they are educated and corrected they carry it on past uni into their working life.


I, my colleagues and the university thankfully had a zero tolerance attitude. Once told and explained and shown the right way to use material with references etc., they understood. They also understood how it could affect their own photographic work and livelihood when they left uni. so educating them on copyright law and reproduction rights etc. also took place alongside. 

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If you have stuff e.g. photos which have been used without your-consent and put on to websites, the website hosting company is also liable for damages and compensation.   Only reason i know this is because one of my friends HAD a hosting company.   

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So as much as I get a kick of reading that stealing photos site,I feel that you need to do you homework on the subject that stole it to avoid a possible lawsuit against you.



Not such a problem in the UK where litigation isn't the national pastime.

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So as much as I get a kick of reading that stealing photos site,I feel that you need to do you homework on the subject that stole it to avoid a possible lawsuit against you.



Not such a problem in the UK where litigation isn't the national pastime.



Watch it, Mark! I might sue you for that comment.  B)

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