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Image ID: RXP95B Contributor: Everst / Alamy Stock Photo


Image ID: T8H0BA Contributor: Hemis / Alamy Stock Photo Photographer: DEROUBAIX Jean-Franþois / hemis.fr
Image ID: HC8665 Contributor: Lambros Kazanas / Alamy Stock Photo
Image ID: FTBRX7 Contributor: Joana Kruse / Alamy Stock Photo
Image ID: H3PF71 Contributor: Ian Dagnall / Alamy Stock Photo
Image ID: DDY30J Contributor: Angela Serena Gilmour / Alamy Stock Photo
Image ID: HG89YY Contributor: anna.q / Alamy Stock Photo


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USA, Travel + Leisure magazine, June 2024 issue


Pg. 15, Southwold Beach, Suffolk, England, Michael Brooks 2CBFM80

Pg. 60, Ortakoy Mosque, Istanbul, Murat Nergiz 2WH5YNN

Pg. 62, Paket Postanesi building interior, Istanbul, Sener Dagasan 2K4GX3R

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USA, Smithsonian magazine, June 2024 issue


Pg. 12, Vintage photo of Airstream RV trailers at the Pyramids of Giza circa 1960, RLFE Pix 2RH4KC8 (credit to Alamy only)

Pg. 13, Sign for the Alaska Highway, Michael DeFreitas North America BWN3WR (credit to Alamy only)

Pg. 13, Aerial view of the Hana Highway, Maui, Hawaii, Kelly Headrick JH6Y5A (credit to Alamy only)

Pg. 13, Aerial view of Bahia Honda State Park, Florida Keys, Peter Mocsonoky T4J4M (credit to Alamy only)

Pg. 13, Mount Washington, New Hampshire summit sign, imageBROKER DGM872 (credit to Alamy only)

Pg. 20, Play illustration for Two Noble Kinsman by Shakespeare, X3A Collection D668KN (credit to Alamy only)

Pg. 22, Fossilized human footprints, White Sands, New Mexico, NPS Photo 2T0FYK4

Pg. 43, Dr Lulu Hunt Peters vintage photo, Pictorial Press Ltd PENCY1

Pg. 45, Chemist, Wilbur O Atwater vintage photo, GL Archive 2B71WBT

Pg. 45, U.S. government wartime poster, Tango Images W1JC6K


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On 10/05/2024 at 14:15, SShep said:

June 2024, NFU Countryside, p55 & p62, common crane, PKM70M, tony mills [Alamy credit only]
June 2024, NFU Countryside, p62, young common crane, 2F7BX50, Ann and Steve Toon [Alamy credit only]
June 2024, NFU Countryside, p76, Brecon buff goose, CWPNJM, keith burdett [Cutout of juvenile goose. Alamy credit only]
June 2024, NFU Countryside, p77, Brecon buff goose, CWPNJM, keith burdett [Cutout of 1 adult goose. Alamy credit only]
June 2024, NFU Countryside, p77, Brecon buff goose, AW797T, keith burdett [Cropped. Alamy credit only]

ISSN:  1462-0839


Thanks for this, the sales came in this morning, 3 for mid ££, not bad. Interesting to see where they were used.

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Cheers Keith, you're very welcome

22/05/2024, Guardian, p2, woman and microwave, EME055, Tracy Fowler/MBI [RF & no credit - poss not new sale via Alamy]
22/05/2024, Guardian, p25, Michael Emery, credited to PA/Alamy but I can't find it
22/05/2024, Guardian [Journal section], p1, Just Stop Oil protest, 2TAPT6K, Peter Marshall

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June 2024, Byline Times, p58, assisted dying protest, 2X425CF,  Eleventh Hour Photography [converted to mono]
June 2024, Byline Times, p58, assisted dying protest, 2X40JE4,  Eleventh Hour Photography [converted to mono]

ISSN:  2632-7910

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British Wildlife Vol 36 No 6 May 2024

Front cover, Swallowtail butterfly caterpillar (Papilio machaon britannicus) on Milk Parsley (Peucedanum palustre), Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk, England, UK, July. 2020VISION Book Plate. Terry Whittaker / 2020VISION/ Nature Picture Library, Image ID: W7NE95
P391, Strumpshaw Fen RSPB reserve at dawn, Norfolk, UK January. Robin Chittenden/Nature Picture Library, Image ID: K2EERM
P392, Drone picture dated August 22nd shows sail boats Hickling Broad on the Norfolk Broads near Acle with calm sunny weather making for perfect sailing conditions. Cooler weather is forecast for later in the week. Geoffrey Robinson, Image ID: PG5B1K
P394, Marsh harrier circus aeruginosus female flying over coastal reedbed Cley, North Norfolk UK October. Gary K Smith, Image ID: B60GN5
P396, Reed cutting at the Ted Ellis Trust nature reserve at Wheatfen, Norfolk, Broads National Park. Clive Tully, Image ID: BJ8DHN
P397, File photo dated 07/06/21 of the Paludiculture trial in East Anglian fens, where farmers and conservationists are pioneering ways to reduce the environmental impact of farming on peat. Emily Beament/PA Images, Image ID: 2JRYN34 or similar
P398, Fen raft spider / Great raft spider (Dolomedes plantarius) sub-adult. Norfolk Broads, UK, September. Vulnerable species. Alex Hyde/Nature Picture Library, Image ID: W7Y4Y8
P419, Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) male, singing, Lincolnshire, England, UK, April. Paul Hobson/Nature Picture Library, Image ID: W7Y3PJ
P420, Weasel (Mustela nivalis). Graham Green, Image ID: 2M8AW5E
P430, Singing skylark in flight. Zoonar GmbH, Image ID: 2WHJ65A
P438, Lesser Celandine Ranunculus ficaria. Ian Butler Photography, Image ID: FBW0H0
P441, grass snake (Natrix natrix), on the edge of a garden pond, with mirror image, Germany, Bavaria, Isental. blickwinkel/A. Hartl, Image ID: 2GDJN3B
P442, Golden-ringed dragonfly (Cordulegaster boltonii) female hovering above moorland stream, Bodmin Moor, Cornwall, UK, July. Nick Upton/Nature Picture Library, Image ID: W7Y8Y3
P445, Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) butterfly courtship. Surrey, UK. Dom Greves, Image ID: 2F88FJ6
P454, Common Bladderwort, Greater Bladderwort (Utricularia vulgaris), flowering. WILDLIFE GmbH, Image ID: BD31EN
P459, Conservation of grouse moors by heather burning and control of new heather growth. John Bracegirdle, Image ID: D29K1J
P463, A flock of Pink Footed Geese forage on farmland beside the Firth of Forth near Blackness, West Lothian, Scotland. Ian Rutherford, Image ID: 2EWN8NE

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Image ID: 2B6NJTE Contributor: Conchi Martínez / Alamy Stock Photo


Image ID: RPTGGH Contributor: DCarreño / Alamy Stock Photo
Image ID: ENB3GT Contributor: Peter Schickert / Alamy Stock Photo
Image ID: 2EKA9EA Contributor: Art Kowalsky / Alamy Stock Photo
Image ID: F5Y670 Contributor: Manfred Gottschalk / Alamy Stock Photo
Image ID: 2ATJ28E Contributor: David Blázquez / Alamy Stock Photo
Image ID: 2JTJD9X Contributor: Wirestock, Inc. / Alamy Stock Photo
Image ID: KFMB4K Contributor: Alvaro German Vilela / Alamy Stock Photo
Image ID: FJX893 Contributor: NATUREWOLRD / Alamy Stock Photo
Image ID: 2PHX29R Contributor: Pavel Dudek / Alamy Stock Photo


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Posted (edited)
On 14/05/2024 at 09:27, TheCrofter said:

Rail Magazine Issue 1009 (May 15 – May 28, 2024)


Page 35 - Passengers joining a Transpennine Express train in Newcastle Central station, England, UK - Image ID: 2WP7X92

Contributor: Washington Imaging / Alamy Stock Photo (Alamy credit only)




Thanks for finding this Gary !

Edited by Bryan
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Guardian Online




Alena Kravchenko



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Thomas Lenne

Thomas Lenne


Nature Picture Library



Yuriy Brykaylo




Benny Marty




Veronika Pfeiffer

Mark Passmore




Tina Manley






Richard Ellis



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23/05/2024, Guardian, p16, ‘The Currency’ by Damien Hirst, 2K24331, Stephen Chung
23/05/2024, Guardian, p16, ‘The Currency’ by Damien Hirst, 2 other shots credited to Amer Ghazzal/Alamy that don't seem to be on Alamy
23/05/2024, Guardian [Journal section], p5, kidney transplant, A7PAAB, Tina Manley
23/05/2024, Guardian [Journal section], p8, surgical instruments, A2BJ5P, Frances Roberts
23/05/2024, Guardian G2, Front Cover, Asian hornet, 2FBKY2E, Thomas LENNE [Alamy credit only]
23/05/2024, Guardian G2, p3, motorway services at night, H6GA9M, JoeFoxBerlin/Radharc Images [Alamy credit only]
23/05/2024, Guardian G2, p6, Asian hornet, PB41M0, Cyril Ruoso/Nature Picture Library
23/05/2024, Guardian G2, p6, Asian hornet nest, 2HMEB7N, Thomas LENNE
23/05/2024, Guardian G2, p7, Asian hornets and honey bees, 2EX42XW, Michel Rauch/Biosphoto


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