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Looking for location please - 1960s slide


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3 hours ago, geogphotos said:

Northern Cyprus 1960s, mountains and perhaps a monastery. 


Ring any bells?


Thanks for looking




If these are the Troodos Mountains in the background, the view does not seem to be from the North.

Kykkos Monastery? It sure looks different, but these two windows at the far end of the courtyard look very much the same.

The rest of the volumes match as well.



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That looks very promising. 


There are others of the Trodos Mts so it looks as though I was wrong about this being in the north.


that looks as though it could be the Tourist Pavilion on the right.


Which could be the same building as here with the small hill having terraces the same as in the first photo. There is a small outbuilding in both photos.



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Lots of drone videos. All recent of course. Seems to have been developed a lot since your image. Probably because Archbishop Makarios is buried on the mountain top of Throni.

Never been there btw. Stopped in Crete the time I had planned to go to Cyprus (by bike). Long time ago. Stopped because Sabra and Shatila happened. Yep that long ago. Recently re-watched Waltz with Bashir for some reason.



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58 minutes ago, wiskerke said:


If these are the Troodos Mountains in the background, the view does not seem to be from the North.

Kykkos Monastery? It sure looks different, but these two windows at the far end of the courtyard look very much the same.

The rest of the volumes match as well.




Wim, you missed your calling at Interpol, MI6, Mossad or CIA.  Or maybe you didn't.  😃

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6 minutes ago, Michael Ventura said:


Wim, you missed your calling at Interpol, MI6, Mossad or CIA.  Or maybe you didn't.  😃


This time I had a little help from the Russians.


Huh? The Russians over at Yandex. I just did with the image as I always do: throw it in a broad Image Search without even telling that it's Cyprus. And somewhere down the page Yandex suggested Kyrkkos. However at first glance it didn't look like that. And it was on the south side of the de-facto border.

So I checked what I knew about Cyprus: are there mountains with snow in Cyprus? Ah yes of course, but not a lot. So that narrows the search. Then I found an image from the North that showed mountains in the background that looked somewhat familiar, but they were mirrored. And because I had noticed where the sun was coming from in the original image, I was almost certain it was not in the North looking South. So I revisited Kyrkkos now on Google Maps.

And there looking at that courtyard something looked familiar. At first just the relation of the volume of the buildings. And then there were these two windows or arched openings.

Our eyes are pretty good at pattern recognition. Especially photographer's eyes. While taking pictures or reviewing them, how often have you had that feeling this is a deja-vu all over again? See?



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1 hour ago, wiskerke said:


This time I had a little help from the Russians.


Huh? The Russians over at Yandex. I just did with the image as I always do: throw it in a broad Image Search without even telling that it's Cyprus. And somewhere down the page Yandex suggested Kyrkkos. However at first glance it didn't look like that. And it was on the south side of the de-facto border.

So I checked what I knew about Cyprus: are there mountains with snow in Cyprus? Ah yes of course, but not a lot. So that narrows the search. Then I found an image from the North that showed mountains in the background that looked somewhat familiar, but they were mirrored. And because I had noticed where the sun was coming from in the original image, I was almost certain it was not in the North looking South. So I revisited Kyrkkos now on Google Maps.

And there looking at that courtyard something looked familiar. At first just the relation of the volume of the buildings. And then there were these two windows or arched openings.

Our eyes are pretty good at pattern recognition. Especially photographer's eyes. While taking pictures or reviewing them, how often have you had that feeling this is a deja-vu all over again? See?



Next fall, please use your extraordinary abilities to come track the single cricket that always manages to find its way into my house and play it’s fiddle all night long.  I can never find it, because it quits performing if I even think of closing in. You can use Google maps, even. I’m sure Google is covertly mapping interiors, don’t you think?

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3 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

Next fall, please use your extraordinary abilities to come track the single cricket that always manages to find its way into my house and play it’s fiddle all night long.  I can never find it, because it quits performing if I even think of closing in. You can use Google maps, even. I’m sure Google is covertly mapping interiors, don’t you think?


Haha! I'm not a cat. Is Echo vegan? Maybe she only likes them when fried or dry roasted and with the legs removed. 😁 You could promise her that.

My (then little) nephew bred house crickets for the reptile zoo he called his room. My sister in law had crickets in the house for many years after he and his zoo moved out.

They don't like light and they do like warmth and moist. Sealing all cracks helps, if even with ordinary tape. They can live for weeks without eating though. They eat plants; dead insects including their dead family and your carpets and clothes if they are from natural fibers.

Maybe show Echo this one or this and tell her they all eat crickets.


My personal best pet (& pest) story does involve my late cat. Never owned a parrot. A canary yes. No the cat did not eat it.

This is quite some years back. So the cat sits in my lap while I read a book. It's late at night. Then there's the slightest sound from the back of the house. Cat turns it's head and looks at me: did you hear that boss? Yep I say; cat jumps on the floor and walks straight to the kitchen. I follow and cat looks intently at the drawer underneath the oven. I say is it in there cat? Yep says cat shsh! So I pull open the drawer and there sits a mouse in a round hole it has chewed in the middle of a fresh box of dry cat food, kibble. I had put the box there so cat, being not very good at the marshmallow test, is not led into temptation. Mouse is totally surprised and looks at us both: hey what are you doing here? Can a mouse finish it's dinner or what? Cat knowing what to expect, doesn't hesitate: she jumps on the mouse and kills it with one bite. And starts eating immediately. No food play. Best mouse she ever had. Yummy: stuffed mouse!  Stuffed with cat food!

She had this big grin all weekend.



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2 hours ago, wiskerke said:


Haha! I'm not a cat. Is Echo vegan? Maybe she only likes them when fried or dry roasted and with the legs removed. 😁 You could promise her that.

My (then little) nephew bred house crickets for the reptile zoo he called his room. My sister in law had crickets in the house for many years after he and his zoo moved out.

They don't like light and they do like warmth and moist. Sealing all cracks helps, if even with ordinary tape. They can live for weeks without eating though. They eat plants; dead insects including their dead family and your carpets and clothes if they are from natural fibers.

Maybe show Echo this one or this and tell her they all eat crickets.


My personal best pet (& pest) story does involve my late cat. Never owned a parrot. A canary yes. No the cat did not eat it.

This is quite some years back. So the cat sits in my lap while I read a book. It's late at night. Then there's the slightest sound from the back of the house. Cat turns it's head and looks at me: did you hear that boss? Yep I say; cat jumps on the floor and walks straight to the kitchen. I follow and cat looks intently at the drawer underneath the oven. I say is it in there cat? Yep says cat shsh! So I pull open the drawer and there sits a mouse in a round hole it has chewed in the middle of a fresh box of dry cat food, kibble. I had put the box there so cat, being not very good at the marshmallow test, is not led into temptation. Mouse is totally surprised and looks at us both: hey what are you doing here? Can a mouse finish it's dinner or what? Cat knowing what to expect, doesn't hesitate: she jumps on the mouse and kills it with one bite. And starts eating immediately. No food play. Best mouse she ever had. Yummy: stuffed mouse!  Stuffed with cat food!

She had this big grin all weekend.



Love those videos. I envy Australia having so many parrots. No, Echo eats steamed vegetables, fruits and for a treat, will kill for a bite of taco or pizza. I give her a chicken leg bone fully cooked with a bit of meat on it, and she eats the chicken, then cracks the bone and eats the marrow. Of course I don’t ever tell her she’s eating a bird.

She would turn up her hooked beak at a bug. She had her chance this summer when ants appeared, and climbed into her food bowl. She just shared her food with those tasty tidbits without partaking of them. I started an ant war, so that didn’t last long.

Your cat is worth keeping. That's a great story. Some cats aren’t good mousers. My sister had a cat who killed an odd strain of beige-colored mice from the field behind her house, then brought them to the door and meowed loudly until someone opened the door and she got the praise she required.

When I was a newlywed, my husband was on KP (kitchen patrol) for a week and didn’t get home from the air base until late. We had a portable tv but no antennae, so Bob had strung copper wire around the ceiling. We got a snowy picture. So I sat watching television, and this mouse would come and sit on its haunches at the kitchen door, looking at me. We went through this routine every evening.
I would spend about 5 minutes slowly moving my foot up so I could ease my shoe off. The mouse watched. Then I’d spend another five minutes slowly cocking my arm back, armed with the shoe in my hand. The mouse watched.

Finally, I'd let go and the shoe would fly through the air and hit empty space, of course. Fast little bugger. One day I picked up my loaded laundry basket from the closet, and there beneath was a flattened mouse. I’d been missing it for a few days. No more entertaining mouse games.

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15 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

Next fall, please use your extraordinary abilities to come track the single cricket that always manages to find its way into my house and play it’s fiddle all night long.  I can never find it, because it quits performing if I even think of closing in. You can use Google maps, even. I’m sure Google is covertly mapping interiors, don’t you think?


If you've had your vaccine Betty, the microchip that it implants in your body should be able to pinpoint the location of the cricket.



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