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Anyone Using Lightzone?

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Linda, understand that I'm not recommending Lightzone . . . I'm asking about it. I just took a quick look at the link I posted. 


With regard to Pages, can I assume you want to Save As a Word doc to send to someone? There is a way to open the doc as Word, but it's not Save As. After I wake up :blink: . . . I'll try to find the step-by-step and post it here. 

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This looks real interesting Ed.  I use Photoshop pretty much exclusively, and do most of my PP in RAW.  I am busy preparing for a big trade show, so haven't had much time for the camera these days, so when my show is over in November, I'll have to give it a go and see.


It is nice to have choices.



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Thank you for this information Ed. Looks like it might be a useful tool.


Linda, Let us know how you get on with this software when processing your Fuji RAWs please. I am a Fuji user too now.



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Linda, understand that I'm not recommending Lightzone . . . I'm asking about it. I just took a quick look at the link I posted. 


With regard to Pages, can I assume you want to Save As a Word doc to send to someone? There is a way to open the doc as Word, but it's not Save As. After I wake up :blink: . . . I'll try to find the step-by-step and post it here. 

No,I don't want to save as a 'Word Doc' but want to 'Save As' a totally different name.Instead,the doc writes over the one I started using. There had been a 'Save' and a 'Save As' option to save previously. Sometimes I use a template or previous doc for certain biz letters.

I've switched back to  the open source program,'Open Office'



I've not used Pages but Apple did this with TextEdit. It seems completely illogical and very unMaclike but to Save As now in TextEdit you need to choose Duplicate and then give it a new name. I would guess it may be the same in Pages. I have no idea why they decided to change something that has worked very well since the 1980s and which conforms to the normal ,programming guidelines for this confusing new way of doing things. Probably something to do with conforming with the iPhone and iPad Os but I have no idea what.

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Duplicate and rename is the way to to do it in Pages too. (And Numbers and Keynote). It's now second nature to me.


To be fair, Apple are trying to make their system idiot-proof. Everything is autosaved so it minimises the chances of someone losing any editing. I prefer this way of doing things now, being one of the aforementioned idiots. Although that may be as much due to my contrarian nature as the idiocy.


But I digress. A final note to add is that the keyboard shortcut for "Duplicate" is [Cmd-Shift-S], the same as "Save as..." used to be.

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