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Location field

axel b


Hi all,

when typing in the "location" field on the "optional" tab a drop-down (and a map?) used to open up, where you could select a precise location. That´s the way it is still described in the AIM instruction manual.

But for me there is no drop down menu or map. Did this change (for everybody)? Or is this some browser issue on my side?




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That's too bad. It's also a shame there is nothing that appears as you type a town name to know what format they want it in. Is it city/province/country, or city/country, spaces, or dashes, or commas. Who knows.

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10 minutes ago, AlexG said:

That's too bad. It's also a shame there is nothing that appears as you type a town name to know what format they want it in. Is it city/province/country, or city/country, spaces, or dashes, or commas. Who knows.


yes, and as i asked lower, there is a location filter in the image search that doesnt seem to link with anything i entered. 

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1 minute ago, meanderingemu said:


yes, and as i asked lower, there is a location filter in the image search that doesnt seem to link with anything i entered. 

Hi awesome name buddy! I saw your other post, but had not tried the search filter so I had nothing to comment. I left you a like. 😃 Waiting to see what others answer as I am curious too.

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2 hours ago, AlexG said:

Waiting to see what others answer as I am curious too.

I'm not sure what other post meanderingemu is referring to so I might be speaking out of turn but it has been determined that the specific terms 'Uk', 'Europe', 'USA' and 'Australia' in the search filter are picked up from the optional location field so possibly worth putting those in at least where relevant.


Thinking in particular of Pearl's post in this thread:




Edited by Harry Harrison
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44 minutes ago, Harry Harrison said:

Is the 'UK' in 'Europe'? Now there's a question.


Geographically, it will always remain 'in Europe'. Unless the island suddenly drifts off and docks on to Iceland, Greenland or Newfoundland (get your coats and mittens out, folks), or drifts a bit further and joins Florida (they may turn us into an exclusive gated golf resort called England-al-Lago), or it drifts even further and docks on to the coast of Venezuela (they may turn us into a Corbyn-al-Lago work camp). But a quick look at any map tells me that Ireland may act as a bit of a bumper to any 'drifting of'. 😋

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32 minutes ago, Matt Ashmore said:

Politically or geographically?

Well yes, I suppose in Alamy terms we should be thinking in terms of geographically, or at least trying to put ourselves inside the minds of anyone that might actually use that rather limited and selective search filter.


23 minutes ago, imageplotter said:

Geographically, it will always remain 'in Europe'.

Well that's not up for a vote anyway. I suppose that to cover all bases then 'UK, Europe' is the way to go for that field for anything shot in the UK. I have to admit I haven't been doing that though.

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2 hours ago, Harry Harrison said:

I'm not sure what other post meanderingemu is referring to so I might be speaking out of turn but it has been determined that the specific terms 'Uk', 'Europe', 'USA' and 'Australia' in the search filter are picked up from the optional location field so possibly worth putting those in at least where relevant.


Thinking in particular of Pearl's post in this thread:






as i mentioned in my "other question"  i searched an image in Bucharest, Romania, got 11 results.  When i pick the Image filter "europe" all images disappear, even those with Bucharest, Romania in search, and even the ones with "europe" in KW

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1 hour ago, imageplotter said:


Geographically, it will always remain 'in Europe'. Unless the island suddenly drifts off and docks on to Iceland, Greenland or Newfoundland (get your coats and mittens out, folks), or drifts a bit further and joins Florida (they may turn us into an exclusive gated golf resort called England-al-Lago), or it drifts even further and docks on to the coast of Venezuela (they may turn us into a Corbyn-al-Lago work camp). But a quick look at any map tells me that Ireland may act as a bit of a bumper to any 'drifting of'. 😋



but then we will have debates from people who have issues differentiating geographically and geopolitically regarding Greenland (well until Uncle Donald buys it)....  even Geographically a portion of Iceland is on the North American continental shelf,,, (yet, still part of Schengen Europe) 

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3 minutes ago, meanderingemu said:

as i mentioned in my "other question"  i searched an image in Bucharest, Romania, got 11 results.  When i pick the Image filter "europe" all images disappear, even those with Bucharest, Romania in search, and even the ones with "europe" in KW

Thanks, hadn't seen your other question, so that confirms it then, search filter only uses the 'optional' Location field.

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4 minutes ago, meanderingemu said:

i'll make some tests, adding continent in field see if I get a hit

It does make you wonder how often that search filter is made use of given that the results may turn out to be somewhat deficient as you have found, not to mention major parts of the globe that are missed out by it.

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1 minute ago, Harry Harrison said:

It does make you wonder how often that search filter is made use of given that the results may turn out to be somewhat deficient as you have found, not to mention major parts of the globe that are missed out by it.


extremely hard to know, since if it excludes you, you will not see it in AoA.  I cannot see any hit with a location in [ ] in my results.


this however brings another finding.  I have a search with


[child] [teenager] in search.


note, though the results were appropriate, I have no indication that my images included teenagers,  In fact only word i have in there is "kids"....  

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7 minutes ago, meanderingemu said:

extremely hard to know,9 

Sometimes it helps to do an otherwise daft search, so search for 'New Zealand' (455,434 images) but then filter for dropdown location 'Australia' (2630 images). It's clear then that these 2630 have for one reason or another 'New Zealand' in the caption or keywords but they come up in the refined search because they have all got 'Australia' in the location field.

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21 minutes ago, meanderingemu said:

[child] [teenager] in search.


note, though the results were appropriate, I have no indication that my images included teenagers,  In fact only word i have in there is "kids"....  

That does seem very weird, do you mean the 'Age' options under the 'People' dropdown? Thought I might look into that as well but had a cup of tea instead.

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6 minutes ago, Harry Harrison said:

That does seem very weird, do you mean the 'Age' options under the 'People' dropdown? Thought I might look into that as well but had a cup of tea instead.


ok, some tests.   it's from drop down.   it's and OR but no idea where it catches the info.  it must make assumption (if you have certain KW)  .  

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1 minute ago, meanderingemu said:

it must make assumption (if you have certain KW)

Now that is a surprise. There are a lot of options here but I had assumed that they had to be entered exactly as they appear here in either the caption or keywords:






4-5 years

6-7 years

8-9 years

10-11 years

12-13 years


Young adult

Middle aged

Mature adult








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14 minutes ago, meanderingemu said:

it must make assumption (if you have certain KW) 

Might there be another explanation for what you've found. I've just searched for Australia and filtered for '6-7 years'. Most seem likely to have '6-7 years' as a keyword but one, of a Cicada, just has 'Shed skin of the Australian Cicada, having been underground for 7 years, New South Wales, Australia'. So seems like it's a 'fuzzy' search at best.


Another, just of a building, has 'Melbourne has been named the most livable city in the world for 6 years in a raw'

Edited by Harry Harrison
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