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Image found on other stock agency page!!?

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Hi fellow photographers


Recently I decided to check what of my alamy images might have found their way onto the web, and combined my surname and alamy in a google image search. It did bring up a few, but none were on Alamy's page strangely.


Most of them show up on www.dijitalimaj.com. But strangely not all. So whilst a fairly recent image is on there (http://www.dijitalimaj.com/alamyDetail.aspx?img={7053FE86-1C39-4308-B77F-D983C6AF228A} ) more recent ones are not. The image there has the Alamy watermark, so I think they somewhat sublicense them, but I fail to understand under what agreement. I have specifically opted out of 'Novel Use' and 'Distribution' scheme, since sales there were minimalistic at best. This was done in April 2013.


Then there is another image provider called Inmagine.com. They also have one (and only one as far as I can tell), image of mine, but with their own watermark. I have never given them my images, and the specific image there is identical to the one on Alamy. It was one from my initial submission, back in the mid nineties.


What do you guys advise me to do next. I would like to know how the images ended up with these two stock agencies, and if they sold any instances. And under what agreement Alamy could have put them up there.


Please advise

Thank you


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It's an Alamy distributor from Turkey.




Thanks Wim, I found the info for dijiimaj.com on the Distributor list. The other one (inmagine.com) is from Hong Kong.


Or check the distributor list:




But would definitely contact MS if you have left the scheme more than a year ago ....


Thanks, I have really been disappointed with the way Member Service (MS) deals with issues and hence wanted to find out what other avenues or experiences people have. I have contacted inmagine and inquired if that image in question is available for lisencing and they confirmed that it is. So it appears that even I have opted out of any distributing scheme, my images continue to be available for sale - whether I get to know about it or not.


What way would I have to find out whether any of the agencies have sold any of the images they list of mine?

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Or check the distributor list:




But would definitely contact MS if you have left the scheme more than a year ago ....


I found images of mine with a distributor recently that was not on Alamy list. After contacting MS I was assured they are an Alamy distributor.


Is distributor list up to date yet?



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