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Test images for new contributor

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Hi everyone. I didn't see (until too late) that you only need to submit 3 images for testing now on Alamy. I had submitted 8 images, and because some sites would like 10, I submitted 4 more. Then I got my QC result back saying 3 things-- one image was soft or lacking definition, digital camera was not suitable for Alamy (though it is the same camera I used for the other 11 photos) and Number of images listed on that photo in the batch of 8. The other 7 and the 4 from the 2nd batch all said, we need all 3 images to pass, this image will pass if resubmitted, but check images with a failure reason. If only that had come back a little more quickly before I submitted 4 instead of 3... So, now it says my account is Locked for uploads for 10 days?! So I can't get approved for 10 days because all my images were fine in the 2nd batch but I sent one too many for the system or person (?) that does the reviews???


Just wondering if there is anyone I can talk to, in case they can lift the freeze so I can resubmit any 3 images that were fine, without having to wait 10 days.


Thanks for your time.





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First off, you should have read all of the information Alamy provides about what is required. Very important. If they say 3 images, then it is  your mistake for submitting the wrong number. You showed them that you didn’t do your homework first.


Then, Alamy begins checking a newbie’s sub. If they come to one, in your case, soft and lacking definition, they only give the reason for THAT fail. It doesn’t mean the rest are ok, and if you used a disapproved camera, you could submit them again and they would still fail for wrong camera.

People make the mistake of thinking just because one image failed, the rest are ok. Not so. It just means the bad one immediately caught QC attention and the rest weren’t checked.

Whenever I’ve failed, (and I have) the first thing I’ve done is delete the offending image. Then I go through every other image and check it at 100%. I look for softness, other words “unsharp”. I look for chromatic aberration. I look for dust spots that show up on plain areas like the sky. I look for noise. 

Its been awhile since I failed a sub and that’s because I inspect the images at 100% before I submit them!  I add other things to inspect. Straight horizons, white balance, etc. 

If you don’t understand what these terms are or mean, then you need to study up before submitting again.  But it appears you aren’t using a camera Alamy approves of, so anything shot with that camera, no matter how sharp, will fail QC.

I don’t mean to sound harsh, and I do wish you good luck. I’ve helped many a newbie. But I don’t have a lot of patience with those who do not read up on the requirements first. That’s rather like not knowing how to swim, but jumping into a body of water without finding out the depth first.

It hurts to fail. I have a few tee shirts to prove it. :)


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The 3 photo limit did not come up on any of the information I looked at. I went over a few different pages on Alamy before submitting and didn't see any limitations or I wouldn't have sent the wrong number of test photos. I always check my photos and the one that said it was soft looked fine to me at 100%. Of course there are sometimes going to be times where what seems okay to me might be not quite good enough for a reviewer, I understand that. As to the assumption that the rest of my images are fine, as a new submitter, reading the notice that is on the rest of the photos where it is saying they would pass if resubmitted, I don't think I'm being stupid for having assumed it meant what it said. If it's possible that it's not true, then that's something that can very easily be misconstrued by new people that don't know that it doesn't actually mean that.


My camera, I have a Fuji Finepix S1, and again it's not something that I found any information anywhere that said it was a Disapproved camera. I can't delete or do any changes to my images since the account is frozen. It would not even allow me to change anything when I first uploaded, and I thought that was just something different about the Alamy site for new submissions, and that I would have to wait for them to be approved or denied to make any changes, like adding more keywords. I read over the faqs before submitting and didn't see anything that told me I couldn't use my camera. If there is a list somewhere on Alamy's site, of cameras that it doesn't allow, I'd appreciate someone directing me to it, because I still haven't found it since reading your message. I don't have another DSLR besides that one and won't spend any more time submitting if None of my pictures will ever work. I appreciate you taking the time to answer, and though I'm not just someone who threw up a few photos and never looked at any info at all for Alamy, I am still a newbie to this site, and I did still manage to make mistakes. Thank you again for your time Betty.

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Alamy used to have a list of approved cameras. Then new ones came out at warp speed, and they discontinued the list. That does make it hard for new people to navigate whether their camera is suitable or not. I remember checking the list when I first started. Generally, you need one that has a 1 inch sensor or better. A DSLR, or one of the better mirrorless like Sony and Fuji sells. The Sony RX100 line works. Those only have a 1” sensor but they take good pictures. 


I shoot with a Fuji XT-2 and a RX100-3. I used to shoot Nikon but love the smaller forms I’m now using.  The Sony RX line has an all-in-one zoom lens.  I have a pretty full line of lenses for the Fuji. Zooms and primes. I can shoot anything from 10-400mm. Macro, birds, etc.

If you look at used, you might be able to pick up one of the RXs for not a lot of money and sell the camera you have. What I like about the RX100s are they are small enough to fit in a roomy pocket or a handbag, so you can have it with you wherever you go. 



P.S., Most people here shoot in Raw, not jpeg. Raw allows more final adjustments without degrading the image. There are a few who shoot jpegs, but many convert to Raw once they see the difference. 

I don’t know the specs of your camera, but it’s possible you don’t have a choice between Raw and jpeg.


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Thank you again Kay and Betty! Yeah I've been looking through the forums more and saw people mention that old list that was taken down (too bad, though my camera my not have been on it anyway). For now it's the camera I have to stick with, so I think Alamy will not be in the cards at the moment. I will try to send 3 test photos when they open the freeze in 10 days, just to be sure, but I think as you said due to the small sensor it's just not going to happen on this site. I can do raw & jpeg and will make sure that the photos I choose were in raw before submitting again. I know technology changes so quickly that new, better cameras seem to come almost daily and I hope to make a purchase someday soon. I appreciate all your help. I did finally see the one tiny (or it seems tiny now hahaha) line that says submit 3 images. I must have just missed it after I read over everything else to do before submitting (I had clicked the link for the QC info and read up on that and when I went back, I must have skipped over that one little (Most important paragraph of all the info I read) --  lots of info but easy to miss one line. Big mistake for me. 

For your first submission:

  • We need three images to check
  • Each one of these images must pass
  • All three images should have valid EXIF camera info

But it might all end up for naught anyway, so I'll wait and continue to submit to other sites until I can upgrade for Alamy's requirements. Thank you again. Have a good day!

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Forget batch size- your camera's sensor is too small and even were it not very few fixed-lens cameras are suitable. The optics aren't up to it.

Maybe pick up a second-hand DSLR with kit zoom? The minimum size required is only 6MP so there's plenty of scope.

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4 hours ago, Crystalheartpix said:

I can do raw & jpeg and will make sure that the photos I choose were in raw before submitting again.


I want to be sure you realize you don't submit the RAW image.  You do your post processing in the RAW, save your finished work as a jpeg, then submit the jpeg to Alamy.



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Thank you for the reply, Jill. Yes I did see that on the submission guidelines. I submitted my images in jpeg, I just wasn't sure if any test ones I sent had been jpeg instead of raw to start with. Some of my photos are shot in jpeg when I'm running out of space and away from home & trying to get a few extra shots that are nice. 

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