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Lisa Werner IPhone Photography Tips & Tricks

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Hello, new iphoneographer here, I was planning to review Lisa Werner’s youtube series about the iPhone photography tips & tricks but I see many of the videos have now been set to private or the links are broken. Lisa do you still have the full series available to view somewhere else? Would love to watch to get some good tips!


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On 3/17/2018 at 19:21, Diana J said:

Hello, new iphoneographer here, I was planning to review Lisa Werner’s youtube series about the iPhone photography tips & tricks but I see many of the videos have now been set to private or the links are broken. Lisa do you still have the full series available to view somewhere else? Would love to watch to get some good tips!


Talking about iPhones, I have the iPhone 6 SE (12MP resolution) and it sometimes allows me to post a pic to the Alamy app beginning with S and sometimes it says the size is too small ("photo must be at least 640 pixels in height and width"). Can't understand why this should vary. If the size is OK on one occasion it should work each time, if not it shouldn't work at all. I'm using the 12MP rear facing camera and not cropping the images so can't understand why some pass and others fail due to size. Any ideas?

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I've had this happen a few times and although I'm not absolutely sure I think it's something to do with the re-sizing that some apps make. Usually I go back to the app in question and resale elsewhere when all is fine. 


Others may may know more 

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4 hours ago, Jansos said:

Talking about iPhones, I have the iPhone 6 SE (12MP resolution) and it sometimes allows me to post a pic to the Alamy app beginning with S and sometimes it says the size is too small ("photo must be at least 640 pixels in height and width"). Can't understand why this should vary. If the size is OK on one occasion it should work each time, if not it shouldn't work at all. I'm using the 12MP rear facing camera and not cropping the images so can't understand why some pass and others fail due to size. Any ideas?


I've had that happen and after checking the size I just went ahead it seemed to upload just fine. All this discussion is "illegal", of course, as we are not supposed to talk about anything starting with an S on this forum.



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22 hours ago, Jansos said:

Talking about iPhones, I have the iPhone 6 SE (12MP resolution) and it sometimes allows me to post a pic to the Alamy app beginning with S and sometimes it says the size is too small ("photo must be at least 640 pixels in height and width"). Can't understand why this should vary. If the size is OK on one occasion it should work each time, if not it shouldn't work at all. I'm using the 12MP rear facing camera and not cropping the images so can't understand why some pass and others fail due to size. Any ideas?


I am guessing here.  Perhaps you sometimes use the digital zoom (outward spread by using two fingers)?



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When you select a photo from your Photostream instead of your Camera Roll the photo will be a smaller size. 


Unfortunately some of my YouTube videos are now outdated. Some of the photography Apps I discussed are no longer available or no longer have the filters or functionality that I recommended trying.

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