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That has long been a problem with titles.You can easily adjust most things, but not the title, so either be very brief or take greater care. Of course, Beachy Head is in East Sussex, but you would be surprised how many mistakes visiting photographers make getting our counties wrong. You can either re-submit with correct details and delete the mistaken one which will take about six months, or, as you are new, ask Contributor Services to correct it this one time.


On the other hand, there are sooooooo many shots of Beachy Head on Alamy that I would not lose a lot of sleep over it

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13 hours ago, Nick Hatton said:

Don't think you can change the original file name on the image if that is what you mean, I have several for sale with completely irrelevant file names  but I think I am the only one who sees that,


If it is absolutely necessary to change the "Title" on an image I believe Alamy may be able to do it for you but not too often.:)





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I don't think they will, as I found out indirectly.

In trying to get some duffly (is that a word?) processed images replaced MS couldn't do quite a few as I use out-of-camera filenames. Of course these duplicate over time and Alamy couldn't replace any where there was a conflict.

I'm no expert but I assume it's a piece of bulletproofing in the database.

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