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Upload error

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Painfully slow tonight. 30 minutes for three images and now upload is just stuck. Rest of household off the wifi. Wonder if it’s alamy’s end.



Abandoned and restarted. That worked, normal speed achieved.

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36 minutes ago, Nick Hatton said:

So sorry but what is FTP?

File transfer protocol. It's far faster than web upload- up to the limit of your connection. My images upload in about 3 seconds on fibre.

Filezilla is the program I use. The parameters are here


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Interesting, as Monday afternoon I was in Westminster photographing a protest outside Parliament, then nipped into a nearby bar to edit and upload. Although my phone hotspot was 4G, the first image upload stuck. Second attempt was successful, but so slow, thought it was the location at the time. It took me slowly sipping 2 pints of lager to get 16 images uploaded. Often I sit in the Marylebone Station bar uploading before catching the train home, never had speed problems there. Now I know the reason.


I used FTP with Filezilla the very first time I uploaded to Alamy, but got consistent errors. Will have to retry FTP with something less time critical, hopefully will be an improvement.



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