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Hi from Wales, UK

Liz Foster

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Hi all,


I'm new to Alamy, been approved and had a first batch of 100+ successfully get through QC, so just waiting for them to show in my portfolio.  (Hadn't realised about the 'if one fails they all fail' rule, so I uploaded loooooads, and then read that, and had a rather nervous wait! But they all came through. It's a steep learning curve!)


My focus is mainly light painting, long exposure photography, but stock photography has really opened my eyes and made me see the world differently, so I look forward to trying lots of new techniques to improve my photos.


This forum seems like a great place to discuss and learn, and seems a very positive place, which is great for newbies like myself, so thanks! See you around the forum :)





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Hello Liz. Your first few images are interesting and attractive, a little bit different than the run-of-the-mill editorial which is Alamy's usual stock in trade, so only time will tell whether Alamy turns out to be a good place to sell them. Alamy seem to be trying to broaden their range of imagery so maybe this a step in that direction from their point of view.


One thing you will discover is that there are some contributors here who will suggest that having the same image on Alamy and on microstock sites is arguably a negative as it reduces the likelihood of the image selling from here. Buyers can easily search and see that there is a cheaper source for the image.

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Thanks Allan. And thanks Joseph. For both the kind words and advice.


I understand what you're saying, and there are merits to what you say.

However, I can think of a couple of reasons why to be on a few sites.  


Some customers are tied into particular sites and don't search the others, so it's beneficial to be as many places as I can.  

There may be customers who only buy from Alamy, so they'll buy it here. People love what they know. 

Some customers who are registered with a few sites may well see my work here and head on over to another site to buy it, but the way I see it is they wouldn't have seen me otherwise?

Plus, microstock is a good steady income, so I wouldn't want to be exclusive here and lose that if I didn't know whether they sell. 


I think I have quite a niche so I'm just putting feelers out really and seeing what sites work well for what I have.


Any advice is most appreciated, every day's a school day :)

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