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Sales report via private gmail a/c

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I can see my inbox has this months sales report, but it is showing as from a private email address at gmail, has anyone else had this, and is it safe to open, I have sent an email to contributor services but awaiting reply.

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Apart from local small tradespeople that are know to me I would not touch a gmail/hotmail/yahoo/... email that purported to be a business matter. Especially when the business has its own domain.


Invariably improper or at least unprofessional.

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I agree Martin, I am awaiting reply from Alamy to my email.


Hi, I received my Alamy Self Billing Invoice from a gmail account - prathibhamj@gmail.com and not from contributors@alamy.com is this a scam email or a mistake from Alamy?


will post the reply from Alamy.

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Hi all,


We're sorry about this mistake. The email was sent from the wrong email due to an internal error.


However, the information within the email is correct and is in no way spam or phishing and next month we'll be back to business as usual.




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