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Question about Sales Figure

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Newbie question here: When looking at the "My Alamy" page, where it says "sales to date", is that net or gross? That is, does the dollar amount indicate the total amount sold or the amount I am to receive? I thought it was gross total, but looking at my most recent sale it makes me think the figure is net.


Thanks, and sorry for such a lame question (I recently migrated from Corbis, and still getting used to the different setup here).

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That is so weird - I had a sale for "editorial website" that should have been 17.99 pounds (still don't understand why it lists prices in pounds), but it shows up in my (gross) sales as $10. So I'll only actually receive $5. I don't get it.


One possibility is that I just enabled the worldwide distribution option, so it's possible it was routed through another stock agency in another country. The sale doesn't indicate this one way or the other.

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That is so weird - I had a sale for "editorial website" that should have been 17.99 pounds (still don't understand why it lists prices in pounds), but it shows up in my (gross) sales as $10. So I'll only actually receive $5. I don't get it.


One possibility is that I just enabled the worldwide distribution option, so it's possible it was routed through another stock agency in another country. The sale doesn't indicate this one way or the other.


Go into "view your account balance" change it to show (say) 3 months and there you'll see the full sales breakdown including distributor cut if relevant.

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That is so weird - I had a sale for "editorial website" that should have been 17.99 pounds (still don't understand why it lists prices in pounds), but it shows up in my (gross) sales as $10. So I'll only actually receive $5. I don't get it.


One possibility is that I just enabled the worldwide distribution option, so it's possible it was routed through another stock agency in another country. The sale doesn't indicate this one way or the other.


Go into "view your account balance" change it to show (say) 3 months and there you'll see the full sales breakdown including distributor cut if relevant.


I did that, and I don't see any distributor cut

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Because of discounts and contracts very few sales come anywhere near the calculator price.


Good to know! I've had 20 sales to date and this is the first time something seemed waaay off the calculator price.




You're fortunate. I've rarely seen anything near it.

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That is so weird - I had a sale for "editorial website" that should have been 17.99 pounds (still don't understand why it lists prices in pounds), but it shows up in my (gross) sales as $10. So I'll only actually receive $5. I don't get it.


One possibility is that I just enabled the worldwide distribution option, so it's possible it was routed through another stock agency in another country. The sale doesn't indicate this one way or the other.


^^ If that were the case, you'd only be getting $3.  I have to agree with Mark (spacecadet, above): I just had a couple of sales for sub-$40 each.  Using the calculator, they should have been £185 :angry:


EDIT: £185 each...

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Hi MacHeath,


I posted a similar query a few days ago but they deleted my post unfortunately.


This is the reason given to me from alamy when I emailed them : These are licenses through the UK Newspaper Scheme and the pricing of images through the scheme goes up and down depending on volume of images used. Remember the UK Newspaper Scheme is optional, but under the “Additional Revenue Option” in your account, so this should be seen as an additional sale to standard licensing.


I think I will leave the Newspaper Scheme as I totally diasagree with the pricing. 

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I think I will leave the Newspaper Scheme as I totally diasagree with the pricing. [/size][/font][/color]

Newspapers may still buy your images outside of the newspaper scheme but for higher prices. Getting them to pay up is a different matter though........

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