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Refund more than the original paid?

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In what currency? Could it be due to exchange rates swinging wildly because of the Brexit?

Another more likely possibility: the sale was actually quite long ago, what you thought was the sale that was credited was in fact the new sale.



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Some years ago I had a refund a few months after the original sale and after the money had cleared.  Because of a change in the exchange rate I paid back £12 more than I had received.  Alamy did sort it out for me after I contacted them.  However it was annoying to get a refund after the money had gone into my bank account and it was quite a big sale which made it worse.  I don't understand how/why Alamy lets that happen.



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Some years ago I had a refund a few months after the original sale and after the money had cleared.  Because of a change in the exchange rate I paid back £12 more than I had received.  Alamy did sort it out for me after I contacted them.  However it was annoying to get a refund after the money had gone into my bank account and it was quite a big sale which made it worse.  I don't understand how/why Alamy lets that happen.




I have had similar a couple of times now Pearl, once recently the same as yours, just a couple of months after the payment had cleared. Last year I had an agency sale refunded from one made a few years back. Alamy sorted both out but they did assure me it was very rare for this to happen. But yes, very annoying.

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I think Alamy should make a reasonable refund period.

"If you buy an image you decide not to use for whatever reason, you must apply for a refund within 6 months, or you will not be refunded. Our photographers should not have their accounts debited long after you've downloaded."


I have a feeling if I bought a new blouse from a store here, allowed it to hang in the closet for 1-2 years, the store would not accept a return. That's called buyer's remorse, and on the buyer. We've all ate losses from buying things we've never used. If you haven't, you're remarkable!

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Six months is far too long though.

Standard EU law would do me - http://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/shopping/guarantees-returns/index_en.htmwhich would allow 14 days, long enough for anyone to change their mind. Of course Alamy HQ might not be part of the EU soon, in which case it will be 5 years and the buyer can do whatever they want with your content during that time  (vote remain)

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