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How about an " Alamy Exclusive" button?


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The addition of "New" button in Alamy Search is great. But we all agree the "Creative" button is utterly useless and total failure. Now how about an "Alamy Exclusive" button that allows buyers to filter all images only available on Alamy under give search terms, and nowhere else? That would be very valuable for buyers, knowing that they don't have to "shop around" for better price. I understand Alamy is non-exlusive by nature, but an exclusive collection should become the bread and butter in this super competitive stock photo business. 


To do this, you should add a button "Alamy Exclusive" in the keyword process. Contributors would check the button if only the image is indeed exclusive to Alamy. Of course, this system won't prevent people from abusing it, no system will. But trust most of the contributors are honest. Alamy can also enforce the rule by de-select the image if same image are found in other stock sites. 


So I believe adding an "Alamy Exclusive" button is practical, will bring convenience for image buyers, benefit Alamy and all our contributors.

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I like the idea, positive suggestion for both contributors and buyers. However as you point out, abuse will be an issue and I don't think that just Alamy de-selecting the image if found on other sites would be enough of a deterrent. It would have to be much harsher unfortunately. Imagine breaking the exclusivity to Big G? You'd be gone. Unless done as a (single) mistake it is misrepresentation.


Personally I can see the benefits of "Exclusive to Alamy" if the meaning was Alamy being the only stock library through which the image is offered, but also allowed is one's personal website (if selling at comparable price levels).

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  • 3 months later...

The addition of "New" button in Alamy Search is great. But we all agree the "Creative" button is utterly useless and total failure. Now how about an "Alamy Exclusive" button that allows buyers to filter all images only available on Alamy under give search terms, and nowhere else? That would be very valuable for buyers, knowing that they don't have to "shop around" for better price. I understand Alamy is non-exlusive by nature, but an exclusive collection should become the bread and butter in this super competitive stock photo business. 


To do this, you should add a button "Alamy Exclusive" in the keyword process. Contributors would check the button if only the image is indeed exclusive to Alamy. Of course, this system won't prevent people from abusing it, no system will. But trust most of the contributors are honest. Alamy can also enforce the rule by de-select the image if same image are found in other stock sites. 


So I believe adding an "Alamy Exclusive" button is practical, will bring convenience for image buyers, benefit Alamy and all our contributors.

Hi, Showing my ignorance here but do Alamy 'Exclusives' yield a better return than non-exclusives (I would imagine they would) and is that return enough to justify not putting those images anywhere else? Lastly, having specified 'non-exclusive' can you batch re-categorise your images to exclusive?

Thanks in advance. 


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I accidentally marked two images "Rights Managed - Exclusive" but I don't see any advantage in doing so. Prices on the calculator are the same and "Exclusive" doesn't seem to appear when you zoom the image.

Maybe Alamy would prefer not to reveal which images are non-exclusive to prevent buyers from shopping around or price -matching. If a client wants to license an image exclusively Alamy will contact the photographer directly.



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