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Anyone else suffering from logoism?

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My latest upload was some images of a website with a very prominent company logo, unfortunately the company supplied their own almost identical image (or at least it was credited to them) to the newspapers for a recent headline story!
Will Alamy ask me to remove mine I wonder?

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We realise it's a contentious issue and isn't always straight forward. We've sought legal advice in the past which is why our T&Cs say we don't accept logos.

The real issue seems to be how much context there needs to be in an image. Barclays lawyers have a clear view and we're taking legal advice to see if we share that view.

In the meantime, while we review our policy and take further legal advice we'll be leaving these off the site and we'll be in touch shortly to hopefully say we can put these back on sale. We'd like as many of your images on sale as we can. We don't like deleting images but we have to act with caution.

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