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I know this link is from MSG (yeah I know), but it is one of the better videos posted there that has application to our work. Mainly relates to assignment work, but worth watching.








I needed an edit after reflection. It mainly relates to success (in any field) = hard work. Sometimes I feel that some contributors seem to forget this. In my other pre-retirement life that was certainly the case. It served me well and it will others who are starting out young.



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Very interesting. Pro photography is divided into three separate and equally important aspects: creative, technological, and business. Subcategories? Maybe just too many to list. I like to hear people talk about the hard work that's needed to succeed in photography (or in anything). I enjoy seeing a good photographer at work as opposed to seeing what I call a ring-a-ding-ding photographer, more style than substance. 


One of the most interesting things to read, if your are involved in creative writing, are the Paris Review interviews: http://www.theparisreview.org/interviews

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