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Newbie just starting - questions

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Hi there,


I just joined Alamy today and have a few questions!


1. As I understand, it's recommended that to start with, you submit images in small batches to avoid QC failure. What's the recommendation on initial batch size? And can you submit multiple batches per day?

2. Can you manage images in bulk (for example, assign keywords, description, attributes etc) or does it have to be done on a per-photo basis?

3. I did read that the image has to be a minimum of 24MB in uncompressed size; this translates roughly to 3-5MB extracted size. Is there an upper limit on the size, generally speaking? Will images fail to upload (or fail QC) if they're more than a certain size?

4. When a customer wants to purchase an image, do they get the uploaded image or does Alamy request the contributor to send in the highest possible resolution image?


Thanks so much for your help!



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Welcome KM,


Suggest you click on "For sellers" on Alamy home page then follow the sub headings for all the information you are asking and more.



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1) Assuming that you have had your first batch accepted, there is no limit on numbers of images you can subsequently upload. You can submit multiple batches.


2) Alamy's Manage Image utility allows you to batch process your images. You select all those that have very similar key words and do those as a job lot. What you can't do is to subsequently use the batch system to make overall edits.


If you embed your key words, using say Lightroom, then all of those keywords will appear with your Alamy images, but within the comprehensive section. You therefore have to edit the keywords into their correct locations. There is a plugin that gets around this - read the recent threads on the subject.


3) I'll let someone else answer that, never got anywhere near the upper limit!


4) Alamy sends them a copy from file, you are not involved.


Hope that helps



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Most of your questions can be answered in the submission guidelines posted on alamy.com


Would suggest that you spend some time reading that information.  Back in 04 I printed out

the pages and while outdated I still have those pages.


Good luck

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3. Upper limit of 25MB jpeg.

Hi K_M;


I remember that that is correct for compressed size, and I seem to remember reading somewhere that 200MB was the maximum accepted uncompressed size - never got anywhere near that but some who stick 3 or 4 images together to form a panorama might get close


Kumar Sriskandan

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3. Upper limit of 25MB jpeg.

Hi K_M;


I remember that that is correct for compressed size, and I seem to remember reading somewhere that 200MB was the maximum accepted uncompressed size - never got anywhere near that but some who stick 3 or 4 images together to form a panorama might get close


Kumar Sriskandan


Yes, i've uploaded a couple of panoramas that i've had to reduce to 200MB!!



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