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I'm trying to determine how some images of mine ended up on Fotofinder via Vario Images.  Both appear to be German companies.  Does either Alamy or Age deal with this distributor?  I can't find any evidence for this.


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Hi Reimar,



It would not surprise me if Alamy do have some sort of distribution deal with one or both of these companies. I'm sure they would tell you if you ask Alamy directly. I recently discovered some of my images on a site, complained about it, only to discover they were there legitimately as part of an Alamy distribution deal. After discovering this, I felt rather silly!

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There is a list of distributors somewhere.

Aha here it is: http://www.alamy.com/stock-photography-distributors.asp

Vario is not on the list.

But Vario Images GmbH is on Alamy with 145,815 images.

Alamy is not a partner with Fotofinder AFAIK.: http://www.fotofinder.com/agents/agencies/?usrtrck=box_navi_agencies


It could be the distributor's list has not been updated, but I doubt it.

As for Age: maybe ask them. (But as you can see, they are not on the Fotofinder list either.)



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I don't see Alamy or Age having a relationship with Vario.  Nor can I find one for Inmagine.  I have written to both Fotofinder and Vario to ask about the provenance of these images.

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In my case I got a prompt response from both Fotofinder and Vario Images.  Some time ago I made the mistake of giving my images to an aggragator (INSADCO).  Something I will not do again.

INSADCO gave my images to McPhoto, who gave them to Vario, who also list them with Fotofinder.  No wonder I get microstock rates after four subdistributors.  A warning to others.

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Good detective work there. I currently have 428 images with Loop (also on Alamy), so therefore assume the 736 images are made up of the Loop collection and remainder are Alamy images distributed to Corbis and subbed to Vario unless Im corrected. Becoming like spaghetti!

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Insadco is on Alamy too: 207,003x

including 59,844x Yuri A.




Yuri has another 54,000 under his own name.  Crazy. 

When I started at Alamy I asked INSADCO to transfer my existing images to my name and he did.  At other agents like Age, I'm competing with myself.  I think distributors should not be able to subdistribute.

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