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Sales Volume graph question

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Does the "Sales Volume" graph on the My Alamy page only show sales for your main pseudonym?


I have two pseudos, and the volume graph currently shows 54 sales so far this year. However when I check "Your Images" in Alamy Measures, I see 54 sales for my main pseudo and three for me secondary one (which only has about 350 images in it) for a total of 57.


Has anyone else noticed this discrepancy?

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Hi John,

I have about a half dozen pseudos and the two figures match perfectly.  Could it be a time lag in the two sets of data?


Don't think so. The three sales from my secondary pseudo were made early this year. Guess I should contact Alamy about the mismatch.

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I find that sales shown in measures is not accurate as it doesn't take account of refunds whereas I think the graph does. Could this explain the descrepency?



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My sales volume, 10 years, on the dashboard is 18 images lower than in the sales detail. I have looked at returns, novel use and different pseudos but have not found a reason. The revenue is the same and that is what counts at the end of the day.




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I find that sales shown in measures is not accurate as it doesn't take account of refunds whereas I think the graph does. Could this explain the descrepency?



It could very well be. I've had three images refunded this year and two of them resold at different prices. Perhaps Alamy Measures is based on all transactions while the graph shows only actual sales. Good detective work. Thanks.

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