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Tags ? Captions and quality control!

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Good morning, well at least here in the UK it is.. Hello,


Although I've read one or two things from links I was sent from my first post a week or two ago, how important are the tags and tagging an image?


My first batch of images, some shots I have re-visited due to gaps, and I've gone to the max of 50 tags with my work but often that is tough and I have had to go off into tangents to get 50 I do super tag them up to the max 10!


Also, captioning this is the most important part? Is it appropriate to write too much. 


Lastly, sorry about this..... Quality control !!

This seems to be more about focus and definition, I take it, it isn't over seen by a human due to the number of images that must be uploaded but over the weekend very little happens, what is the criteria and if this process isn't seen by a human why isn't the process quicker??

Sometimes mine are processed and available to tag the same day other times it is slow and can take a lot longer.


This is my  2nd posting but thank you to those who made introductions to me on my first encounter..... I realise things evolve in the topics and something I may start and suggest takes over and it's for everyone, which is great.

Thank you.


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Hi Allan,

12th posting, 2nd question :) 

Supertags - do them.


Read the Forum posts more / search for things you are questioning. Do not try to get images to optimised green with 40+ keywords unless they are all relevant - we have collectively decided it's not a good idea. Keyword spamming will hurt your CTR.


Captions are also searchable by clients as well as keywords. And accurate captions anecdotally seem to aid with sales. Use the full 150 character limit if you can, no problem with providing too much info in a caption.


QC - not sure, but likely mostly by human still. It doesn't operate over the weekend.


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1 hour ago, Steve F said:

Hi Allan,

12th posting, 2nd question :) 

Supertags - do them.


Read the Forum posts more / search for things you are questioning. Do not try to get images to optimised green with 40+ keywords unless they are all relevant - we have collectively decided it's not a good idea. Keyword spamming will hurt your CTR.


Captions are also searchable by clients as well as keywords. And accurate captions anecdotally seem to aid with sales. Use the full 150 character limit if you can, no problem with providing too much info in a caption.


QC - not sure, but likely mostly by human still. It doesn't operate over the weekend.



Regarding "Captions" it is also advisable to repeat them in the tagging window as far as possible. If your caption goes out to 150 characters AIM will split them up.




Edited by Allan Bell
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6 hours ago, Steve F said:

Hi Allan,

12th posting, 2nd question :) 

Supertags - do them.


Read the Forum posts more / search for things you are questioning. Do not try to get images to optimised green with 40+ keywords unless they are all relevant - we have collectively decided it's not a good idea. Keyword spamming will hurt your CTR.


Captions are also searchable by clients as well as keywords. And accurate captions anecdotally seem to aid with sales. Use the full 150 character limit if you can, no problem with providing too much info in a caption.


QC - not sure, but likely mostly by human still. It doesn't operate over the weekend.


12th post due to my response ;} 


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You have some nice images.   Don't include tags that are too far off on tangents.  Ask yourself, would this tag lead the client to what they are looking for?  For example, I saw you had a photo of a plane in the sky and one of the tags was "tourist resort", but I didn't see any resort in the photo.   Personally, I wouldn't include that tag.

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some of the images look like they've had a leg-up from some auto key-word generator. I think that approach is a waste of time, but I can understand the temptation. Going for the 50 word upper level almost certainly does not help with views and zooms. It gives you a green bar and not much more. I would admit some of mine could do with a bit of extra consideration, but random misfits surely are going to hurt not help. 463 uploads in five years isn't really enough to gain traction.

Edited by Robert M Estall
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Well before the green bar was introduced, back when I joined, I knew little about the correct way to tag and caption. I read on the forum at that time, to tag (then keyword) what you see in the image. So if I saw trees in the distance, I tagged tree, trees, & many other things, cloud, clouds, etc. I never considered if someone searched for a tree, my image was all wrong. I had a lot of tags that didn’t get to the crux of the subject. I've gone back & tried to get rid of a lot of those, but I’m sure work still needs to be done.

Your portfolio is still relatively small, now is the time to fix what you’ve done and forge ahead with the next ones uploaded. I’m here to tell you it’s much harder to fix once your port is in the thousands.

Edited by Betty LaRue
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