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Disappointed with Fuji X-E2 IQ

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I have just received a new Fuji X-E2 to replace my X-E1.  Have run a few test shots (raws) and was not exactly blown away by image quality.  So I did the same shots using my X-E1 with same lens and same settings.  The images from the X-E1 are noticeably sharper which is the opposite to what I was expecting.  I am using LR 5.3 with RAW 8.3 to view the images.


Has anyone else found similar results or have I just got a duff one?



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I suspect you may have a duff one Pearl as friends have upgraded to the 2nd version and are reporting improvements all around. I'm still with the XE-1 but maybe that will change Xmas Day! (I'm told)


The XE-2 is now using the sensor and processor from the X100s and maybe LR is weak on these files. I am not familiar with Lightroom but maybe try another converter before making a further decision. I favour Capture One which really does shine with the XE-1.


Hope this helps.

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Just a second thought. Have you loaded the firmware updates for body and lenses. This may be an issue if outdated.

Thanks for the suggestion ReeRay but I believe I have the latest firmware for body and lens.



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Just a second thought. Have you loaded the firmware updates for body and lenses. This may be an issue if outdated.

Thanks for the suggestion ReeRay but I believe I have the latest firmware for body and lens.




I would also try a trial copy of Iridient Developer or Capture One Pro. I recall seeing a few people having issues with the X-E2 with LR. Worth checking before returning it anyway.

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Believe there is a firmware update for the X-E2 due out on 19th December. This was mentioned in another thread.


My local dealer said they would carry out the upgrade for me. (As I am such a good customer.) :D



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Just a second thought. Have you loaded the firmware updates for body and lenses. This may be an issue if outdated.

Thanks for the suggestion ReeRay but I believe I have the latest firmware for body and lens.




I would also try a trial copy of Iridient Developer or Capture One Pro. I recall seeing a few people having issues with the X-E2 with LR. Worth checking before returning it anyway.


Thanks Duncan, I had been wondering about that but hadn't read that there were any issues with LR.



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Believe there is a firmware update for the X-E2 due out on 19th December. This was mentioned in another thread.


My local dealer said they would carry out the upgrade for me. (As I am such a good customer.) :D



You are quite right Alan but the update doesn't seem to effect the issue of sharpness.  I will however wait and do that in case it helps.



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Just a second thought. Have you loaded the firmware updates for body and lenses. This may be an issue if outdated.

Thanks for the suggestion ReeRay but I believe I have the latest firmware for body and lens.




I would also try a trial copy of Iridient Developer or Capture One Pro. I recall seeing a few people having issues with the X-E2 with LR. Worth checking before returning it anyway.


Thanks Duncan, I had been wondering about that but hadn't read that there were any issues with LR.





The problems I read about were colour rendition, problems with magentas but it could also mean they haven't quite got the X-E2 raws right so maybe worth checking.

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Just a second thought. Have you loaded the firmware updates for body and lenses. This may be an issue if outdated.

Thanks for the suggestion ReeRay but I believe I have the latest firmware for body and lens.




I would also try a trial copy of Iridient Developer or Capture One Pro. I recall seeing a few people having issues with the X-E2 with LR. Worth checking before returning it anyway.


Thanks Duncan, I had been wondering about that but hadn't read that there were any issues with LR.





The problems I read about were colour rendition, problems with magentas but it could also mean they haven't quite got the X-E2 raws right so maybe worth checking.


Looks as though Capture One doesn't yet support the X-E2 raw files so I can't try that yet.  The problems I am finding are that the files are, at best, soft when compared to the X-E1 and some are nowhere near sharp.  I will try some jpegs + raws when the light is better tomorrow.  I guess if the jpegs are OK then the problem is with LR but I can't find anyone else reporting these issues.



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Pearl, if this is the case, try shooting in RAW and JPG and compare. My X100S RAW files are absolutely HORRIBLE, but the JPG photos are very good - especially in low light.



I suspect you may have a duff one Pearl as friends have upgraded to the 2nd version and are reporting improvements all around. I'm still with the XE-1 but maybe that will change Xmas Day! (I'm told)

The XE-2 is now using the sensor and processor from the X100s and maybe LR is weak on these files. I am not familiar with Lightroom but maybe try another converter before making a further decision. I favour Capture One which really does shine with the XE-1.

Hope this helps.

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Pearl, if this is the case, try shooting in RAW and JPG and compare. My X100S RAW files are absolutely HORRIBLE, but the JPG photos are very good - especially in low light.



I suspect you may have a duff one Pearl as friends have upgraded to the 2nd version and are reporting improvements all around. I'm still with the XE-1 but maybe that will change Xmas Day! (I'm told)


The XE-2 is now using the sensor and processor from the X100s and maybe LR is weak on these files. I am not familiar with Lightroom but maybe try another converter before making a further decision. I favour Capture One which really does shine with the XE-1.


Hope this helps.



Interesting, the X-E2 sensor is the same as the X100s.... I wonder what they've been up to?!?!

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I am not crazy about the way Lightroom handles files from the Fuji X series.

I just sold my Fuji X Pro 1.It took a long time to sell by the way.


I preferred the images from the Fuji x100 more than the x100s though I preferred the better focus and macro from the x100s.


I've read that the XE2 is much better than the XE1 so you might want to send it for a return or exchange.



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Try the following. Tripod mount the camera. Switch to manual focus, 10x zoom in and tack sharpness. Take the shot.

Then switch to AF, spin the focus ring and re-focus with AF. Take the shot. Repeat with various apertures and distance.

Shoot RAW+jpeg.


Then compare using either Iridient or SilkyPix which recognise the RAW file.


This will establish whether an AF issue is the cause, which is unlikely but.....


If still unsatisfied then return/exchange the unit.


Hope this helps.

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Try the following. Tripod mount the camera. Switch to manual focus, 10x zoom in and tack sharpness. Take the shot.

Then switch to AF, spin the focus ring and re-focus with AF. Take the shot. Repeat with various apertures and distance.

Shoot RAW+jpeg.


Then compare using either Iridient or SilkyPix which recognise the RAW file.


This will establish whether an AF issue is the cause, which is unlikely but.....


If still unsatisfied then return/exchange the unit.


Hope this helps.

Thank you ReeRay.  I tried doing a bit of that last night but haven't used MF as yet.  I will do some more thorough tests before returning.  


What concerns me is that others and reviews are reporting better IQ from the E1 than the E2 using LR which is the opposite to what I am finding.



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Just a second thought. Have you loaded the firmware updates for body and lenses. This may be an issue if outdated.

Thanks for the suggestion ReeRay but I believe I have the latest firmware for body and lens.




I would also try a trial copy of Iridient Developer or Capture One Pro. I recall seeing a few people having issues with the X-E2 with LR. Worth checking before returning it anyway.


Thanks Duncan, I had been wondering about that but hadn't read that there were any issues with LR.





As the X-E2 uses the sensor from the X100s you could use Capture One Pro 7 to process the X-E2 images. COP7 already lists the X100s in it list of compatible cameras so it should be capable of processing X-E2 images.


A free trial download exists.



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While not particularly relevant to this thread, interestingly I returned the first x-E1 I received. Lousy AF (unsharp images) and terrible shutter lag. However, I am totally in love with it's replacement. I am extremely glad that I didn't ask for a refund. Bearing in mind that everybody raves about the IQ of the Fuji 100's sensor, which the X-E2 has, I strongly suggest you got a duff one. Send it back for replacement - don't waste any more time and effort on testing.



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While not particularly relevant to this thread, interestingly I returned the first x-E1 I received. Lousy AF (unsharp images) and terrible shutter lag. However, I am totally in love with it's replacement. I am extremely glad that I didn't ask for a refund. Bearing in mind that everybody raves about the IQ of the Fuji 100's sensor, which the X-E2 has, I strongly suggest you got a duff one. Send it back for replacement - don't waste any more time and effort on testing.



Thanks interesting Barry and definitely relevant to this thread. I haven't had chance to do any more testing today but will just check a few parameters tomorrow.  However I am doubting that I will ever feel good about this camera so am likely to send it back.  Only one in three images anywhere near sharp is not good.



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