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21 minutes ago, Shergar said:

 Begs the question why now and what happened to it before?


Cheers and gone






What happened to what before? 


Do you mean before Alamy started to claim? What happened was that the amount made available to DACS was divided between those who made their own claims. Anybody in the world with UK sales for books/magazines/TV use could have done that. 


So before Alamy started to make DACS claims Alamy contributors who did not make a personal claim received nothing, Alamy received nothing. 


One significant change ( for those of use who claim direct)  since Alamy started claiming, and made it a contractual condition, is that Alamy no longer offers information to those making their own claims.

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Am I correct in assuming that there is no way to search for a DACS credited photo? I had a TV sale pop up this month, for a very decent amount, but can find no trace of it online. Likewise, I was watching a programme about Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club in London on BBC 4 some time ago (> a year) and saw that they used one of my pics but it has never popped-up in a DACS payment, to date. Not sure how people keep track of their DACs sales. 🤨

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1 hour ago, Jansos said:

Am I correct in assuming that there is no way to search for a DACS credited photo? I had a TV sale pop up this month, for a very decent amount, but can find no trace of it online. Likewise, I was watching a programme about Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club in London on BBC 4 some time ago (> a year) and saw that they used one of my pics but it has never popped-up in a DACS payment, to date. Not sure how people keep track of their DACs sales. 🤨


Alamy will be claiming for you. It is in your contract unless you chose to opt out ( around 2015??). DACS don't find uses for you they just handle the administration and payment of secondary rights claims that are made by you or on your behalf.


One element of the claim is the simple raw number of UK book and magazine uses as a cumulative total. To claim from a separate pot for for books/mags you need to know the ISBN/ISSN. For TV claims the programme and channel. 


Alamy don't provide this information so it is hard to find. In the case of TV uses impossible for me to find - but for that Alamy will make a claim just for that element in return for 50% ( hope is stays at 50%) plus an unspecified admin charge. 



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4 hours ago, geogphotos said:


Alamy will be claiming for you. It is in your contract unless you chose to opt out ( around 2015??). DACS don't find uses for you they just handle the administration and payment of secondary rights claims that are made by you or on your behalf.


One element of the claim is the simple raw number of UK book and magazine uses as a cumulative total. To claim from a separate pot for for books/mags you need to know the ISBN/ISSN. For TV claims the programme and channel. 


Alamy don't provide this information so it is hard to find. In the case of TV uses impossible for me to find - but for that Alamy will make a claim just for that element in return for 50% ( hope is stays at 50%) plus an unspecified admin charge. 



Really helpful, thanks :-)

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4 hours ago, NYCat said:

I got an ASCRL payment too. About half of what I got for DACS.





Something seems unfair to me about all this. I applied and actually joined ASCRL because I have US sales. But I was told that all the funds had been allocated and there would not be any available to people like me outside the US. I was told that the rules were likely to be changed to stop non-US claimants from joining in order to protect the limited funds.


I do not begrudge you US residents getting what you are due from DACS, and then more from what DACS and other European collecting societies hand over to ASCRL, but since this money, by and large, comes from UK and EU citizens it does seem that the playing field is uneven. The only way that I could claim a share of ASCRL funds would be indirectly by allowing Alamy to do my DACS claim.


Ah well....bigger things to worry about I know. 

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On 30/11/2021 at 09:41, geogphotos said:



What happened to what before? 


Do you mean before Alamy started to claim? What happened was that the amount made available to DACS was divided between those who made their own claims. Anybody in the world with UK sales for books/magazines/TV use could have done that. 


So before Alamy started to make DACS claims Alamy contributors who did not make a personal claim received nothing, Alamy received nothing. 


One significant change ( for those of use who claim direct)  since Alamy started claiming, and made it a contractual condition, is that Alamy no longer offers information to those making their own claims.

Sorry I was talking about the ASCRL payment . I hadn't received it before. Not a big deal every bit helps. Hopefully something to look forward to each year.

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