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Search results and capital letters

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Today in my search activity report I see the results of a search on tenerife showing 1 of my images amongst 960 viewed, and then a search for Tenerife shows 7 from 480 viewed.


Any clues as to why when searched with a small t only 1 of my images shows in 960 viewed images, but when searched with a capital T 7 show out of 480 viewed?


I thought that capital letters shouldn't make any difference to keywords/search terms. 


Am I missing something obvious here?



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Phil, I think you'll find it's got nothing to do with the capital letter but is a result of both a Relevant and Creative search. The capital letter is coincidental, as the search engine isn't case sensitive.



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I have noticed that if you enter a place name without a capital it has a red underline suggesting a spelling error.  Change it to a capital and no red underline.  I guess this is based on well known place names that are in the alamy dictionary with a capital.  Maybe this has some bearing on the results you have beed getting.



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Why not do the searches yourself and see what results you get with and without capitals?  I think you will find that Ian's explanation is most likely correct.



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I think your search activity report is saying that a buyer searched for tenerife, and viewed only first 960 images including one of yours.  The second search was for Tenerife (perhaps with different criteria) and viewed 460 image including 7 of yours.



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Likely to be a "Creative" search followed by a "relevant" search...As far as I am aware capital letters are irrelevant in the searches, and the spellchecker only corrects them because they have a capital letter in the software dictionary for proper names . (Having said that I think in a caption it is good to have place names in capitals or it can look a bit slapdash)


Kumar Sriskandan

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